B-Roking my world

Hi Guyz..whoever is bored enuff to be interested in my Blog..i promise nothing exciting except anything that God has placed into my life, and i promise no powerful insight except that which God placed in my heart to say. But truly, this Blog gives thanks to God and serves to remind me everyday what God is going to do in my life, that i may remember his Greatness! [of course random musings not excluded..hhaha.ya..so until it becomes interesting, hope this is enuff for you..]

Location: Ann Arbor, USA/Michigan, United States

Hmm..I wonder how many ppl read this part..Anyway, i am a simple person. I try a lot, I fail a lot. I try to love a lot, i try to hate less. I try to be a nice person, but i also try to know when i'm not being nice. I try. And it's the most that anyone can say for themselves isn't it?

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Haha..Dear all,

I'm just so excited..haha..i've finally enrolled in my classes, and everything was as i planned it out to be..things i was prepared to compromise, things that i wanted it that way..it all added up to a preety nice schedule that will mean half days on tuesdays and thursdays, full days on mon, wed and fri with lots breaks between the lectures on those days..

Really wanna thank God for watching over me..i've walked through cold rains several times already and i'm still as fit as a bull..did another 40 min jog this morning after i woke up at 6 am [miracle] and managed to buy an umbrella before i REALLY catch a cold for walking in the rain too much..[God will help me if i got through it unwittingly but will not help me if i stupidly refuse to buy the umbrella that He chanced me to find..haha..lol]

Yepp..but mainly i wanna thank God for really answering my prayer and give me the classes that i wanted to take. Cos this morning i heard several bad news about the class i wanted being snapped up, in which case i would have to re-plan my whole schedule and do several humanities classes this semester instead [remember i'm an engineering student] which will screw up my degree and GPA and stuff like that. Yes..and when i finally got to apply, there were 2 batchs of 30ish international students who already enrolled, and lotsa people still trying, but i just logged in, enrolled the classes one by one and it ALL WENT THROUGH! it was as if God was holding the places for me to enroll..haha..really COOL and understanding God that we worship and serve! He always knows what we wants and never fails to give us what we NEED..haha..but not always what we want but anyways..heehee..

Yepp..going for lunch soon..ha..thank God!

-Endz- Praise God for He is good ALL the TIME!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Updates updates

Haha..dear all,

wonder how many of you are actually bored with what i'm updating about myself now..aha..yepp..but this blog is actually keeping MY diary and of how God is helping me throughout my life so i would like to keep details here! haha..so be forewarned..

Yepp..just did a round of planning on the courses i'm taking, and my class schedules..wow..hha..kinda difficult cos most people have already enrolled in their classes, so it's just the freshies [more specifically the international freshies] fighting for the last few spaces in the courses that we want. Anyway, i have signed up for an interesting class which is the Religion 280 class, which is 'Jesus and the Gospel'..and next semester i'll probably take 'history of the Eastern christianity' and then i'll go on to Religion and politics..if i'm REALLy interested in the subject..haha..yeppp..like what i tot i would do if i got the chance..haha..think Daphne knows about this one..but whether i AM actually gonna take it is a question, cos it would clash with another class unless i leave like 10 mins earlier from this lecture to get to the next discussion..undercutting myself..sigh..but really wanna take this course..yeppp..so will be praying that i actually get what i want.

Yup..i've set up my bank account [FINALLY] and i'll take several working days to cash in the bank draft so i'll be living on that 3 $20 bills in my wallet..haha..yepp..gonna save as far as possible..

Yepp, and poor me is being too well fed here..Gosh..hall food is like a buffet style and their servings are super! i tink this is the 2nd time i'm mentioning this..but did i mention that they have free flow of PePSI? haha..great news to a pepsi fan..haha..lol..

Yup..i've found my guitar of choice! haha..prolly will get a good price for it online, but if i get it at the shop, it'll build a nice start to a relationship to who could be teaching me guitar! and start me off on Violin too! haha..and i found out that my dorms have a music room where i can probably do my quiet time, and re-learn my piano! haha..totally gonna be fun..so i'll probably not watch the TV or go online that much already..haha..yepp..you guys may just have a music genius here by the time i return! haha..Yeah man..Jazyln, i haven't forgotten about my dream and vision: to be able to play for the cell group when i get back! i'll probably be practicing playing for christ over here before i lose face in front of Hanzhong..haha..or maybe i take over? haha..or maybe i play violin in the cell group when i return..who knows? Only God knows and He have plans for me that i cannot fathom..Ha..yes...so guyz, mom, i'm really doing fine here..so dun worry at all yah?

And accent wise i realise that everyone's really trying hard to fit in..even myself..haha..i guess i'll always be halfway american accent and halfway singaporean when i return..haha..part of me don't wanna change that much, but i still gotta be understood well over here right? yepp..but i can always use singlish so dun worry people..i wun be all american in 1 year when i return..

Oh..one bad news is i may have to eventually do a summer school term..cos i figured i have to complete 128 credits for my degree, and i have 29 advance credits, so i'll need 16.5 credits a term to satisfy that requirement..unless i manage to do like 17 or 18 credits once in a while [18 is the max, 16 is normal for singaporeans..12 is the minimum to be a full-time student] it will spill over and i will have to do another term..so it's better i do a summer than another fall or winter term..right? haha..so it'll probably be a spring or summer half term [2 month thingey] haha..so if i dun come back next year april you know why..haha..yepp..

That's all the updates i have, i have not gotten my laptop yet, gonna take some time but still doing fine..to all who wanna make a more private enquiry to how i'm doing, pls feel free to mail me? although i will update the blog, i feel an email is a better way i can feel your love..haha..lol..yepp..but it's true..dun feel obligated to just because i say so tho..dun wan THAT kinda email..haha..yepp..Take care all! God Bless!

-Endz- Doing real fine here..gotten used to things here already..lotsa friends..chill

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Where's my laptop!!!

Dear all,

Whew..haha..wells, i've just been to a service, a campus outreach church called H2O. Yepp, pretty small at this time, but that's because most of the students ain't here yet. And today was more of the leader's meeting than a service. Yepp, so much to find out about them before i make a decision.

But i like what they are doing. They are mostly leaders [cell group leaders] and they were running through like the things they intend to do when term begins, like the cell group, the 6 values they believe in. Yepp, and i pretty much agree with what they are doing. They are prepared to go door to door, introduce themselves, make people feel welcomed without being a nuisance.. they believe in discipleship..they believe in beig sincere and building a relationship within the cell group..they believe in God..Hha..which church don't? but problems about the church denomination, the word..i guess they will come later as i return next week to see how their service is like..so that's all i can say for now..yepp..but i'm pretty much decided to come back and see how they're like..

Haha..and we can definitely learn much from them? for example, they were giving examples of how they went to strange places and went to the local church there, and sat around, was there early, but no one talked to them, or made them feel welcome..And as i quote from them, 'it felt like THEY needed to take the initiative to be friendly and adear themselves to the church members there.' And i think that is very much true..Sigh..even in City harvest? Like if daphne did not bring me into the church and cell group, and i sat around the cell group alone, do you think anyone of you would come up to me and talk to me and make me feel welcome? Well, bottom line is, everyone's a great and friendly person when you get to know them..but people who walk-in don't know anyone! so basically i guess we should stop making the cellgroup a g-mail prototype whereby people get in only by invitations..try to be more assertive and take initiative to reach out to people who are sitting near! make the environment more friendly! haha..Challenge Daph..haha..yepp..it's not in our culture to do so, but we can make it our city harvest /E240 culture! yepp!

Yepp..anyway, i've got a English Advance Placement appointment later on..haha..and most people who came from Singapore did not need to take the exam..hha..don't ask me why..but because of that, i cannot go down to Briarwood mall, and cannot get my laptop..ha..but i've got wenjie to scout out for me any laptop that's below 1K and has nice stats..haha..thank God for friends in my life..yepp..and cash is running tight which is why i'm not going ice skating with the gang and staying behind here at a computer terminal blogging..haha..yepp..

Anyway, i've gotta choose my classes and courses and schedule later, and actually enrol for them tomorrow after i meet my academic advisor, but i've heard that most of the common courses are already snapped up..haha..sadz..wonder what i will actually get to study instead..but thinking of taking up Latin OR theology since i gotta fulfill some humanities requirement for my degree..haha..then i'll come back and tell you guys all about the apocrylic [did i spell that correct? it's greek to me..] and it IS greek for 'secret books' of the bible..haa..i read briefly what was in there, and it included the song/prayer of Shadrach, Meshach and Abinigral [i'm not typing with my bible in front of me so i tink i got the names spelt wrongly..] the song/prayer they made to God when the king of babylon threw them into the furnace. And stuff like that which is not in the bible..haha..

yepp..To add on to that, i've been to the flagshop of Borders which is in Michigan, Ann Arbor [flagshop means it's the first shop ever] yepp, and they have a great selection of bible, bible guides, commentaries, and all the secret books, Gnostic bible, and an interesting book known as the 'who wrote the bible wrong?' which mentions that the story of the forgiven adulterer in the gospels DID NOT HAPPEN..i have no idea how true it is, or whether the author is credible..haha..but i guess if it isn't real, it's still a great moral and great word that God probably wanted included in the bible anyway. Yepp..haha..so i'm NOT in good hands here..haha..too much information for the God-hungry person i am..haha..thirst for knowledge comes as a double edged sword..but that's where i'm gonna test my innocence to find my virtue AMEN! haha..yepp..dun worry, i'll stay true to the word and the bible..anything else is just head knowledge..doesn't change who God is to me at all..haha..

AND there is a big number of christian fellowship among the singaporeans here! haha..and they are all eager to find a church/campus church to be in, which is great..not at all unenthusiastic. But i guess i wonder actual spiritualty i will have to find out through time..Cannot tell at a glance..yepp..but i'm in good hands here in regards to the fellowship i guess..

Yepp..the food here's great? haha..i've never actually lived to eat so i'm not so picky about food..but the serving's great here, and meals at Dorms are like buffet style? and i have to really watch my diet here and exercise lots or else the prophecy of the freshmen 15 will come true! Argh! haha..yepp..prolly gonna go jogging before i shower and change and go for the counseling session i have later..haha..yepp..

I STIL CANNOT FIND MY LAUNDRY AREA IN MY DORM! haha..but i found a couple of pretty nifty stuff..woke up at 0630 cos i just did..haha..i'm really sleeping qt little, but already used to it [like in engineers days] haha..which is really great, cos 3 weeks ago i would be wondering if i can drag myself out of bed at 1030 in the morning..haha..yepp..and i can get like cafe AMERICANO at starbucks for only 1.95 so i can get cheap coffee too? [not as cheap as kopitiam, but there ism't any kopitiam anyway..haha..] yepp..and i can get a couple of bibles and guide books for you guys if you wanna..haha..just wonder how i can actually get it to Singapore..

Yepp..they sell post stamps at my dorm so i can send mails back too, so that'll happen if i get the time to do so..

AND i can only set up my bank account on monday..sigh..add the time it takes to process my bank draft..so i can prolly only get my guitar on wednesday? haha..then it gives me time to go shop for one and see if i actually wanna settle for a cheap one first then buy a nice one next year..but then again, i'll be looking for a nice one NEXT year Next year again..[you get what i mean?] and then i'll never get around to buying one..sigh..haha..

Yepp..guess that's pretty much already..hope to get my I-net connection up soon..and since i wake early and it's 12 hour difference i'll be able to MSN you guys in the evening! haha..evening YOUR time horr..haha..yepp..take care

Oh..i'm sorry i did not get to watch the online service on the marriage seminar..but i got an essay question about Marriage culture back home tho..haha..so i got to see many marriage views from differing cultures..and conclusion is that Pastor Kong is really doing us a great favour by letting us in on the secrets! like i was reading reading and i was a bit disgusted at some of the quotes that i read..haha..yepp..so feel blessed!

To Dad, mom, sis, now that i know you guys are reading this..I know i probably mailed you that i'm fine, but i guess i still gotta tell you here..yepp..doing really fine here, have friends that look out for me, and growing fat already so you guys better recognise me when i come back! haha..yepp..too well fed here already, no sinus problem at all, it's not cold yet so i'm realy doing fine..just that my wardrobe is gonna repeat soon..haha..yepp..and i probably cannot get a car in the first year i'm here [cos not enough $$] so you guys can take a breather..

Dear all, take care, God Bless!

-Endz- God really do take care and give providence! WAKE UP! and be aware of how He loves you! Happiness is the awareness of the great power of love shown around you! [day 2 of the book i tink.]

Friday, August 25, 2006

Detriot Metro airport @ 1045PM!

Aaargh! first the flight delay for 50mins, then delayed further for 40 mins because waiting for the baggage to come to our flight..then when we arrived it was too late to make for the hostel, and moreover my baggage did not arrive! aargh! came in 1 hr later! sigh..thank god i met christopher at the chicago airport and the rest of the entouage from Singapore and then meeting Shao Ning who has a friend in Ann Arbour to put us up! haha..so not so uch disruption from our original plan anyway..hah..yepp..God given opportunity starting with me meeting christopher at the UMSSA outing so long ago! haha..His ways are always higher than our ways! haha..God Bless!

Chicago..0500 sing, 1600chicago

Man, the security proceduresisn't as stringent as back in singapore..but it takes soooo long to clear! and the aiurport is very confusing..guess probably i'm not used to their sustem..and the service! whew! totally sucks..First they told me it's at Departure gate C2, so i happily took the train to go to terminal 1, then there happily looked around, called home, then they changed to gate F5 which was in another terminal. which then took me 20 mins walk there..and there when i got to a guy to check my ticket, the idiot told me that the flight have already left! when i saw that the billboard wrote nicely the flight number for my flight and it is scheduled for delay! not early take off! sigh..then i went to the customer service counter and checked and found that it has notleft yet, so i went back..sigh..heart attach for nothing..but on the side note i got my first starbucks vanilla latte here in Chicago! and they have Venti size for warm drinks! haha..found a total of 4 starbucks outlets in chicago airport itself, so i figured i will not miss coffee..haha..did a quick scout; generally meals can be bought for USD5 for a fast food so it ain't as expensive as i tot it would be ..haha..
Called home to a very tired momma and papa at 0500am..haha..den got cut off cos not enough quaters to keep the line..then manling's number is invalid..haha..RAAWRR!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

HK airport Transiting..24th Aug 1145(Sing Time)

Dear all..

Hiaks hiaks.. Transiting in Hongkong now..gotta wait for 1hr + before my flight leaves..haha

I must admit, when i saw the big package that christine wanted to give me, i was going like 'OMG..she's totally not thinking when she's giving the present!' cos it could not fit into my luggage, and even had glassware and was wrapped up..so many times i was called up and given wierd looks about it..even stopped at security too! Not that i am ungrateful..really thank God for such a sister who would spend so much time and effort doing this gift..but the cookies was e thing..haha..i was qt touched by the journal and the scarf..but then the cookies like spoiled it..hahah..no horr..thankful for your kind care and concern!

Well, the 1st leg of the flight is down. touched down safely in HK..had qt a fun time in the airplane toilet cabin, crapping there, using up the toilet paper because of my sinus..haha..but got to know my flight companion, Adela Garcia cos she offered me pills that would dry up my fluids so it's a more comfortable flight, less ear popping and runny nose..Thank God..And she's really friendly and have a big heart. Haha..No, she's no foxy lady..she has a younger son who is older than me..but managed to find out about her..got her number..woohoo! first number from a stranger-lady! haha..lol..She's in the military medicine reserve team, Hispanic, lives in San Antonio, texas, has 2 sons and a daughter, christian too, does relief work and is a women with a great heart!

Also found out that my spoken english is understandable! haha..but i guess local touches is still there! haha..i tink i noticed some la, lorr..haha..hiaks..but she din notice, or pretended that she din notice..haha..yepp..morale up! too bad now she's in a different flight leaving alreaedy for San Francisco. .Yepp..and me with a dysfunctional phone without reception, lotsa rest already, bad body odour which will only get worse..My departure gate is open already, just that the queue is super long..haha..

And i missed breakfast while i was in the toilet..then too KOed to ask the flight attendent for food..hope lunch is soon..ha..but gotta exercise soon..prolly update about my first exercise in Annarbour..haha..prolly turn into a gym dude and work out..hah..gosh..landsick now..but the medicine works wonders! haha..Daph, Christine and Mom woulda known about the ear-popping experience i had when i went to Thailand.haha..so now i flew 4.5 hours already..haha..gain air time pretty fast! Whee! ha..wonder if i wll puke later..now i am only left with this journal, 'Happiness is' , 'man of God', and my bible to entertain me ..oh! i did a quick prayer in the lavatory on the plane too! ahha..now a part of the mile high club except in terms of prayer rather than sex..haha..communion with God better than flesh! Amen!

Believe i just had a revelation..

Matthew 20:34 "Jesus felt sorry for them and touched their eyes. Instantly they could see! then they followed Him"

- We learnt that restoring the sight is synonamous to restoring vision in the man's life.
- Hence we see that only Jesus [God] may grant a vision that truly empowers, or it will take a close encounter with God to grant that vision. A close relationship with God..
- "then they followed him" meant much more than following out of gratitude, or following just because they could see..
- In everyone there is a 'Jesus'. to a doctor, Jesus is a great doctor who is successful healing everyone, with great heart/reputation..'Jesus' in out hearts is who we eventuallly strive to become: the vision that He gave the 2 men..Hence the true meaning of 'then they followed him' So are you following the Jesus as he reveals himself to be in your heart?

On Flight..1230 noon..

Dear all..

OMG..the flight is gonna take 14hrs and 22 mins..and it'll only be to chicago airport! RAAWWRS! OMG! haha..qt daunting to think about it..gonna be stuck on this seat and now without my new friends. .pray that my sinus dun act up..

Man, i'm gonna reach at 2330 hrs Singapore time, then i gotta be relatively awake cos then i'll get drilled through the USA airport securtity! GASP! how to survive? gottan cure my jet lag with this flight! i'm arriving at 1330 hrs chicago time, afternoon..let's say i wake up at a sane hour 1000, 3.5 hours before, 2030 hrs..hiaks hiaks..did some math then realise that the info i got was worng..ohwells..can't tell the security that the airlines are confusing the terrorists with wrong timings and estimations can i ? haha..

Yup..just KOed again on the plane cos i was reading the 'manhood' book again cos i din really catch the gist..wonder if it's cos i'm unteachable for this topic? ha..like cannot say i agree to some of the concepts..hiaks..it's suddenly 1345 now, so i koed for about an hour..ohwells..13+ hours to go..

Ha..just saw a short news clip about bloggers..that about 77% of employee candidates are rejected because of the info that was posted on the web about themselves; like seeing the propective acocuntant streaking or a business secretary getting wasted on alcohol/drugs..caption went 'don't post anything you don't want your co-op employer or your mother to see..' all the time we wanted to live like big stars? how about a bad image problem? hha..

haiks haiks..zonked out again..when i awoke i felt the pushcart [lunce] pushing against my foot that was straying on the aisle..note: united airlines is expensive, long flights, okay food, no inflight entertainment[krisworld!] and no leg space! and odd hours! haha..ban united airlines le..haha..

starting to feel like i'm hibernating..just now it was around 1345, when i ate it was 1430? haha..and now it's 1500..8 hours to go..or 10 hours..whichever infor was correct: arrival time or duration of flight..Just having a cuppa coffe..black..cos i have no idea how i could have it..order it kopi-bing? or vanilla latte? haha..so black cos i dun tink they give me that much time to tell them what i want anyway..

Right now i'm having mild jittery spells on and off..like wonder how i am gonna actually get to my hostel without my family helping or just living without my friends close emotional support..but somehow i know these problems will be settled as soon as they com..except i kinda feel like the dude Brian is gonna do everything..i'm just looking from a 1st person's view? haha..dun fell like myself..wonder if you got what i'm trying to say..haha..

Wow whee! 3rd page le! haha..in my flight journal i mean..haha..think you guys gonna complain my entry this time so long and smelly..haha..

Oh! OH! pepsi! freeflow pepsi! haha..i'm in heaven..haha..remember me and my fellow coke addicts always order so much coke to drink! haha..so i muz be more specific about myself..i'm a caffeine addict..haha..and they served me starbucks coffee! haha..din realise cos 1 side of the cup went 'united' then the other side went 'we proudly rew starbucks coffee!' haha..but still don;t hink they have vanilla latte anyway..sigh..but right now tt looks qt odd..cos i got a cuppa black coffee and a cup of pepsi on my table..haha..

Think i gonna do a bit of quiet time now..since got time..haha..

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Leaving tomorrow/ Cry out to people i know

Dear all..

This is gonna be another colourless entry, cos i'm pretty much feeling colourless too..sigh..haiz..haix..haiks..hhaha..self entertaining myself..

Just had a quick lunch with Florentine at Fish and Co at Novena square where she's working right now. really qt fun to do so, cos i usually get stuck at home and then mold starts to grow on my head then i start to stink and rot..haha..yepp..so you dun feel bad you made me come out alright? thank God for you for dragging me outta my house! haha..

Yepp..then last night had dinner and pool with JianHu and Katherine..Ate at Crystal Jade suntec city..really fantastic food there, full of flavours and enjoyed talking to these 2 good friends of mine. Then we went on to talk about some parables and conundrums and how to apply God's word to ourselves and real life..haha..think i freaked them out..cos i neva talked to them about these kinda stuff before..haikz..so you 2 dun know me THAT well right? *grinz* yepp..just ask Weng/Wayne and Christine and Daph and you know how i give them headaches wondering about those questions! haa..but qt cooll..so now i know 2 more people i can share about God and my views to..haha..qt an informative time, and really take my hats off JianHu who could actually give me an answer i can relate to! haha..u guyz ask around again, and you realise i get answers i dun really say amen to..haha..yepp..so JianHu! you're v outstanding!

Haha..to Flo and whoever's interested..in the last entry, i mentioned that i was PUSHED TO DAPHNE! not she push me to any other mystery girl..next time open eyes big big and read horr! haha..yepp..and i tot the photo v self explanatory le.. but i got a revelation from Sharon yesterday about that..apparently she [the culprit] together with Belle, was supposed to push us to each other during the shot [cos Joanne say we too far apart..sigh] then Belle tot Sharon said to 'Fei1' (fly in chinese) instead of 'Tui1' (push in chinese) then when Joanne took the photo she jumped from the left side of the photo trying to be captured in the camera..haha..totally miscom! so farny!

Yepp..but today my focus is mainly on my luggage! a heavy, sleek, maroon hard cased luggage which i only just realised is not enough to fit my clothes, and my books, my cds..thank God for a hand carry luggage, or else i gotta go run and spend $ on another hard case luggage..haha..instead i can bring an extra bag to use over there! haha..

But mainly, i really feel like i'm writing a will here..haha..feels like my life will end on this night..so morbid..but haha..you'd tink that since i knew that i would be leaving for studies for such a long time, there'd be an anticipation to leave? instead, i really have a very limited vision of where i'm headed to, feels like it's no longer me who is going, but some1 else, and i will look through his eyes instead..haha..so wierd..

But truly, i believe in His provision. Even if i am not mentally prepared and emotionally prepared, i believe that He has spiritually prepared me and paved my way with people who are ready to help me when i'm down. People to point the way and guide me when i reach there. I believe that His love will carry me through when i depart from the people who love me here, when i leave for a place where no one knows me or loves me. God is there waiting for me to join him! haha

yepp..meaning which i know what i need to do, don't feel like doing it, but doing it anyway. You ever experienced that before? like what i read from the book Dennis lent me, to see enough to take the next step..kinda like that..God gave me enough vision to see the next step..really forcing me to believe God that the next few steps are there for me when i get there. yepp..

Feel a sense of loss..like so many friends i did not meet up with, did not get together with. People like Khai Qing..to whom i have corresponded letters to for since JC days. The next time i see her will be in 2008 unless i managed to save up enough to pop for a solo holiday trip to Canberra to visit her..haha..then rent a car and sleep in it while parking outside her place..haha..so farny..but sounds really fun..probably will plan for it and see if anyone else wants to come along too. haha..dun worry..probably God will find a way to get me there too.

Friends like Weiling to whom i passed notes to during class and lectures in JC. Too bad there ain't anyone like you there..or else i will pass notes again..haha..but wonder if you still remember who am i..

Old friends like Junlin, to whom i withhold my letter because of certain things you wrote to me that kinda hurt me..made me feel so lost where this friendship is going..probably gonna write you again when i reach there, but if you dun feel like continuing pls just say so alright? i oso dun want to disturb when i'm not wanted.

Good friends like Christine..think i will still contact you through email or through your blog so no worries. Really sorry that you had to feel my cold shoulder for so long..it was totally unintentional. But i trust you know me enough to know that i never meant things that way. Just like now i know you and will not misunderstand you that way again. Thanks for pushing through in this friendship.

Lil Sistas like Huiling..Think i am the worst big bro in the world..really like ignored you for so long, then ask you out, then ignore you again. scold me the next time i see you okay? i deserve it..but i hope i am still your korr kay? haha..if you got any other xin1 shi4 email me lorr..i promise i will not judge, will not give 'constructive comments' unless you want to hear it. I'll always be a open ear to my lil sis.

To possibly the youngest person i know, Joanne..haha..really sorry that i had to disappoint you so many times with the CD..haha..i got it in my bag le..so unless i even forget to bring that bag to USA with me [impossible] you will get it alright? haah..and you start to save money! [haha..i should listen to some of the advice I give out..] me not around to take care of you le..haha..no more free lunch and dinners! but i want to encourage you to spend more time with the cell group so you grow with people of good spiritual standing, that you pick up their good traits and discard your bad. Always remember not to place your trust in people; for people will fail you, and even gold will lose their value when times change. Put your trust in God, who will never fail you, who is the same before, now, and will never change even far in the future! God is good all the time!

To the cell group, i really love you guys..think you already know that le..Dun worry about me..dun even worry that your lives WILL go back to normalcy even without me around, cos it's God working when i asked Him to bless you guys that my lack of presence will not affect you people much. Please continue to love God, love each other and do His work! for you people are my 'powerbase', a source of energy especially if you could share good testimonies to me about how God is working for you there, so that i can stay strong. Do this for me? haha..and i promise i will update you guys about my testimonies over here. Thank God for technology! hha..Stay close to my heart..

Daph..words cannot express my heartfelt thanks to you..And i believe i have already said this to you so many times over, but i just gotta do this again. Thank you so much for sharing who God is to you, for sharing this fantastic family in God with me. It's built so much of my life and me already, and i believe will continue to do so. Man, i really thank God for the day we met at NDP 05 where we were put to work together. It was really great times i wished i could re-live, but i believe greater times are to come, and we will share greater testimonies together! Amen! Yes we shall shine together! haha..i still remember the first little thing you gave me [do you remember?] It's been such an encouragement to me for ever since i received it, even though it's just a small card and a small star..but i have carried it with me when i am most in need of encouragement, when i was in Thailand doing something i had no confidence in, when i was at work in Jurong Camp. It carried me through as though you were beside me speaking to me. Haha..like the bible is to me on smaller scale. haha..yess. thank you so much for that blessing, i will bring it over with me to USA too.

To everyone else i missed out or did not mention, thank you for sowing into my life, it's not goodbye, not even farewell cos you'll probably hear from me soon again..haha..if there's a i-net terminal at the Chicago transit i will probably blog or MSN too..haha..so there..It's never goodbye unless God takes me up with Him. So i'll be back, don't miss me at all, move on with your life and be a great blessing to anyone you can be! Amen!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Cell Group 'Farewell' Dinner!

Dear all,

Whee! just had my 'farewell' dinner with my beloved cell group! haha..totally fantastic..but feel a bit odd and paiseh that i arrived so late..haa..couldn't have expected that..cos I had my last Bible Study with Hanzhong that evening, and we shared about the importance of discipleship, and as always, being a problem child..haha..i shot a lot of difficult questions to him..haha..but he was shocked! budden it was a great time when we talked about the bible, lifstyle, and our interpretation of the gospel.. exchanging of ideas..so we forgot about the time, and when i could actually go, i would actually reach earlier if i waited for them to close shop and hitch a ride wif them! haha..so guys, dun begrudge me my chance to spend time with them yah?

Yepp..felt kinda wierd cos i did not arrange this meeting, and i did not have to ask things like who else is not there, who else eating? haha..i was just there for the ride. heehee..then the table so big, so many ppl oso qt difficult to talk to people..then people like christine look like she got someth to say..haha..but she always look like she got something to say. hehe..

Yepp..the dinner was fantastic. Thanks guyz! although i've already binged so much on seafood..haha..but the crab was great..only i felt paiseh cos i ate so much! haha..*grinz*..then Dennis and Weng kena my crab sauce all flying around..haha..actually din have much chance to have a dinner with most of the cellgroup together so it was rather fun. but i guess several people wanted to talk to me 1 - 1..haha.dun worry k? guyz, i'll be back in 8 months..going there to study only..not living there for good..haha..

Yepp..was totally cooll..think you guys are out to make me cry..but i'm not such a people's person? haha..felt qt odd at times during the dinner cos i was the limelight..not used to the limelight..haha..always felt better when i was doing stuff for people or someth..not used to having people do such stuff for me. haha..but appreciate all of you guyz!

Then you guys did the meaningful thing: which was to have everyone say one good thing about me. WOW!!! haha..ego food max out le..haha..make my head so big; cannot fit in the bus! haha..but was really touched..cos normally i wouldn't think that people can get a good grasp of who i am..haha..prolly you guys hit about 60% correct le! haha..not bad not bad..hee..but i dun tink i'm that good/fantastic too..haha..yepp, so thanx thanx for all your kind words! haha..wished i had taken down notes tho..but yes, i will keep my fire burning..and Hanzhong will still get my emails if i forget or if i get stuck with anything in the bible! haha..but most of all, i really hope that i am now strong enough, that i know enough of who God is and how He works in order to interpret the scripture fairly well enough to improve my understanding.

Yepp..but tink it's so funny when i took a photo with Daph then they pushed me towards her..[hey hey..wad are you guys tinking?] naturally i avoided her, put my hands up so nothing gets anywhere unintended [so you guyz muz agree i'm not lecher horr..haha..noone said that..heez] yepp. but the outcome is so wrong! in the end i looked like i was some old lecher preying on a young lady! haha..so funny..heehee..but luck i saw the push in the corner of my eye..so i managed to avoid..otherwise worse..haha..aiya..you guyz should push the girl wad..haha..then you get the effect you wan..totally wrong man..haha..

You guyz are really gonna be brought over there with me in my heart..this is truly like my family where i grew up, where i am loved, and where i had fun, where i came to know God, my creator, my provider, my lover, my all. really thank God for all of you, and thanks so much for the photo that you people made for me and framed up for me. yess..we'll all keep in contact ya? haha..then we'll have another farewell next year when i leave again..haha..

Yepp..love you all, God Bless!

-Endz- had a great time with you guys! God be the centre of this family always!


Dear all,

Haha..juz wanna change the entry cos i going on to another topic le..haha..

Which is my CellGroup! E240! haha..totally have been itching to feature something about them but always wanted to wait until someth happened on sunday then i talk about them..budden nothing happened yet..haha..lol..but received a lot of well wishes already and feel blessed already so i wanna bless them back..

Which is the point of my little project that kept me from blogging late nights! cos i have been rushing a little personalised card for EACH AND EVERYONE OF THEM! haha..feel so wrong..cos i made them each write a page for me in my journal, then i go ahead and write 1 page + for each and everyone of them..so guyz..you write 1 page while i must have written like 20 + pages and busted 2 pens almost dry..betta appreciate it..haha..RAAAWWWRS

Yepp..in each card includes who you are to me, or what i see, as well as a little prayer to show you that you have been on my mind too..really felt that the whole cell group has been a great blessing to me, but i really want to be a blessing to you all too, so i wanted to pray a little prayer for everyone of you! yepp..so i hope you will all read it, and open your hearts to it; for no help/blessing can come into your life unless you let it come in..let God minister to you. If God had indeed used me to give you that prayer, then you will hear more of it from other people/sources too..if not then it's just my well wishes anyway..haha..dun reject it! lol

haha..i think i'm really qt proud of myself with this..even with this little exercise of writing prayers for friends, i had ran dry before..like during the first few days..like can only rush 3 cards a night cos i went dry..but i kept at it, prayed to God, and slowly opened up my engines and managed to do more with the prayers i had to write! haha..most of the prayers centred a certain theme [cos i'm writing it] but you can be sure there's no cut and paste or copying at all! haha..so proud of myself and so proud of God/Holy Spirit helping me and empowering me to accomplish it..Glory to Him!

yes..to E240, you guyz rawk my house and my world! haha..continue to shine, to grow and to develop yourself into who you can be, because God created you in His image! never limit your potential cos then you are placing a cap on God's potential too! NEVER LIMIT GOD! glory to God always! Amen!


Haha..Dear all,

Gotta confess..starting to feel a bit of a drag to blog..haha..been itching to do so when i'm outside, then when i reach home i just wanna sleep..haha..have no idea why..Wells..

Yepp..so somethings that still remain is that i'm still tired..even with my coffee regime..haha..like almost 3 cuppa coffee everyday..but still non perky and tired..mayheps coffee has no effect on me already..haha..but i still dun mind..i love the smell of coffee..really perks me up even if the caffeine doesn't..haha..lol..spending mega bucks on Starbucks..haha..

Oh..and i really spent megabucks on myself.haha..last time when i was in a relationship, my other half really took up my attention and cashflow! haha..even tho we tried to control and restrict it le..budden if i get $1k a month and save nothing, i really gotta conclude that she's the source of outflow..haha..budden ever since i joined the corps of single and unavailables [actually unwanted..haha..lol.] my savings still did not pick up! so i conclude that it's ME!

But i really got to pamper myself more, and be a blessing to others..ha..but i really gotta start to have a savings attitude once i go over to Michigan. It's gonna be a new start for me..haha..but just for the kicks of it, i wanna list the items and costs of my most prized possessions! haha..note: costs were as to when i bought it, not including inflation and devaluation..haha..

1. $240 Zara Man 100% polyester jacket [brown leathery feel..really proud of it..wanna wear it more to justify the cost..haha]
2. $140 Creative Muvo Slim 1Gb. Totally worth it cost it doesn't hang and has a battery life span of 3 days! haha..
3. $640 Motorola PEBL phone. Black..Stylish phone with little outstanding functions. But style will hardly go out of fashion, but technology will fade faster..haha.so there..
4. $30 synthetic leather sling bag..qt big sized, dunno if can hold weight or not..but really nice..
5. $90 white Nike basketball shoe..haha..this one kinda feel bad for it cos i never take care of it..got black spots over the white skin
6. $550 Nikon coolpix 5200. Only recently got to use it frequently as the cell group camera men.haha..but fun! and the pictures i get to develop it at home with a printer! cool!
7.$430 Zen Micro 5Gb.totally worth the buy cos i managed to do a 1-1 exchange cos of structural damage during the warrenty period..but then again, i'd rather have someth that doesn't spoil..totally cui now..sigh..cannot use except for a mp3 player stationary..plug in to power source..sigh..wasted..

So considering that, i've spent a total of $2120 on stuff that i still carry and use on myself when i go out! haha..not bad, not bad..budden it include a cui zen micro so maybe should reduce the number by 430..budden it's all for self gratification right? lol..

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Wake-up Call

Dear all,

Dear all..dear all..i'm feeling qt tired lately..think i'm becoming a better student le..hah..sleeping late hours and waking late too..like my frens in university hall already..except i'm not studying yet..lol..Haha..rushing my secret project..but kinda over awed at the number of stuff i have to do for that! haha..like i'm supposed to have little time left in Singapore and still i spend so much time doing that? haha..

I love a cuppa of warm coffee in the cold morning..haha..or cold 'before afternoon' more like it..cos i wake up at 10am? haha..budden i slept at 0130 am last morning so it ain't that bad..onli i'm starting to stock up a spare tire le..sigh..but i already ran twice this week! like super above average for me le! haha..still remember when i wanted a whiteboard so i can record the number of kms i ran each week..haha..lucky i didn't do it..or i woulda been so demoralized..haha..lol..but it's a good idea..

Still remember when i would run for 2 hrs straight in the cool night..now i just run 30mins in the afternoon and almost punk chek le..haha..super unfit..but should be becos of the sun la..haha..really, heat will sap your energy real fast..and cold will too..so i figured out the optimal environment to run is in a cool environment that's not raining..pretty difficult in Singapore except in the night time, or in an air-con room and on a treadmill! haha..lol..so it's running in the night for me then..heehee..

Yepp..still gotta give credit to Daph for influencing me to go jogging..haha..it never came across my mind as a hobby before..sorta like the kinda things that people make you do, but you never enjoy doing..until she came along and told me about it..then i started to jog with my Mp3 and voila! i cannot stop at half hour! muz go at least 1 hour then shiok! haha..that was back then in Jurong Camp..i tink the furthest i jogged was 21km in 1hr 54 mins..haha..not that fantastic..but it was my replacement run cos that time i missed the sheares bridge army half marathon! haha..then this year din wanna go too..like sianz of joining cos no body going with me anyway..haha..so jog on my own lo..free wad..heez..

Hmm..wonder if over at Mich will have a jogging buddy? haha..budden have to be a girl..cos i tink 2 guyz jog a bit funny..if 1 guy 1 girl at least can say the gurl wanna lose weight and drag the guy..haha..save face..hee..or else go jog myself again lo..haha..but lidat got less motivation to do so..but how to jog in the winter?!! 6 mnths snow! haha..and me never see snow before somemore..haha..

So conclusion: i gotta get a car! and i'm already making progress! haha..like if i get my computer loan and dun use up all, then i can start my 'car fund', plus i've already got 2 contributions to that amounting up to $2.6K sing dollars le! haha..so cool..like i din even work for these money and they just fall into my lap.haha..imagine if i worked for it..then it'll be super abundance! haha..thank God! All the while i tot money blessings cannot come my way cos i'm not working and got no bonuses to look forward to..haha..you proved me wrong! God is good!

Haha..wah! today is like totally musings and crapping..sorry guys.if you were waiting to see someth interesting on my blog today like wad happened then you would be sorry you tuned in..but tune in on monday!!! haha..confirm got someth nice to read! i promise! haha..or nice for those ppl involved anyway..ha..if i dun see you on sunday then you prolly go slam the keyboard and say 'ohwells' loudly..haha..lol..Raaawwrrs

One thing tho..i realise our cell group E240 has been ard for qt long le..like E240 has been E240 for 1 year le..and most cell group multiply in less than that..Sister Jaz is prolly gonna kill me for saying this, but thank God that the cell group has not multiplied yet..haha..cos i tink i will become super gloomy and moody and sianz and wad not if it happened and i'm around..cos i really like this family..it's really close, good frens all around, and i've gotten used to these people! and really thank God for the 1 year that i joined CHC, E240 has been with me all the way! these are the people who changed me, changed my life, and loved me as Christ Jesus does. Love you guys deep deep!

But i have a fren, who's been in this church for qt a long while already, and she's a bit disheartened about the cell group multiplication thing. like keep on spliting her and her frens until she finds no point in making new good friends. Which i feel is wrong..something's wrong man..like all the time church teaches us to have good friends who are in Christ too..then all just to split them up when it comes to cell group multiplication..i guess things should be like the cell group leader should be spliting them up by their bond to each other, and if the CGL cannot tell these bonds then i guess someth's even more wrong! haha..yepp..but i would be severely disheartened too if it happened to me..i mean, i would fight to keep that friendship, but i would be cross at the church and i wouldn't know if i can carry on in this kinda place..so thank God that i have not come across this situation yet, and that i got a forewarning about what is to come, so that next time if it happens again, i would be able to handle it cos i got a few more years maturity under my belt and would be more grown up..haha..

-Endz- Friends are meant to be friends no matter what..

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Raawwrs..this looks wierd italic..haha

Anyways, Dear all:

Realise that i haven't been blogging for some time le..haha..actually i missed 2 days between the last-last and the last entry, and 1 day in the last entry to this entry..wonder if i should back date this entry then..budden yesterday was another 'nothings' day so i dun feel like doing that..haha..anyways, gotta entertain subscribers, gotta entertain subscribers...

Yay! i finally got the correct photo paper for my printer! haha..to those out there to whom i owe photos [i tink jian hu only tho..haha..lol] i will print out for you! haha..so glad..esp when i was settling for really lousy photo paper that almost killed my joy of printing out photos at home..hee..

Embarking on a 4 day project now..trying to rush stuff..but still having fun at it..haha..what is it? stay tuned..i will keep it under wraps coz it's a surprise! a SURPRISE! haha..wun even tell you who it's for so there..stay tuned..

But pretty soon it'll be my turn to leave le..sighz..dun even know what i'm doing nowadays..like people like Manling can be so busy in the last 2 weeks, and wenjie already tried to look for his books, and lawrence is leaving today..WAD AM I DOIN! probably playing X-Box and jamming on my guitar, checking my blog hits [wow! 269!] and my emails, bugging nerissa for my flight allowance to come in..then getting my sis to do up a bank draft for me so i can bring wad money i have in my PosB Bank to U.S.A safely..gg to doctors and see if i need additional vaccination to go U.S.A which i conveniently forgot..even when i saw Manz walking ard with a plaster to her 'BCG' spot..haha..WAD AM I DOING! like nothing really productive/effective to the issue of me leaving Singapore in 7 days time..wow..one week left..

Oh OH! not to mention i still wan to take photo at Yio Chu Kang Reservior..and tell Singtel to save my line while i'm not ard for $5 a month..man, i should make a list of things i need to do before leaving..haha..rawrs..

I tink God is starting to give me vision of what is to come next in my life le..sort of can picture myself sitting in lecture, praying 'Holy Spirit..i need your help now..' everytime i cannot understand a lecturer or when my energy level down and feelin kinda sleepy..haha..yepps..totally student mode now..the slacker student mode..haven't start studying yet..

Yepps, so i guess in the end i still ended up back dating this entry..haha..then ignorez my first para then..Good bye for yesterday! Tata..

-Endz- EndEndEndEndEndEndEndEndEndEndEnd...wow..tink i super cranky today..

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Best Quiet time I ever Had

Dear all..

Pls do not comment to this. If you feel the urge to comment to this entry, pls just email me cos i tink the comment log not enuff space for what you have to say anyway..haa.
This entry is also dedicated to Manz cos i did not get a chance to teach her to do quiet time properly [maybe she is doing it proper now le..hah..i'm trying to say i din get the chance to teach properly.haha..]
-end of disclaimer-

Wow..i've just had the best quiet time i've had for a long while..can't tell the difference from previous quiet times in the things i did, but this time the presence of God was really felt and i could feel Him listening in over my shoulders at what i send up to Him in prayer..even now i still feel a little tingle from coming out of His presence. Hope i can dwell in His presence wherever i go!

Anyway, today at 1100 was when i am supposed to do a prayer to God for Singapore's growth and well-being in all aspects. But since i hardly ever dwell on one topic for one hour, i added some songs in and prayed for my dear lil sis too..but this time i guess maybe it's the anticipation of doing what the church assigned us to do [got some novelty to it still] or that i actually prepared for it..more than my usual quiet time anyway..that made it come off different.

As usual i started with a simple praise song to get myself started..then i started to cycle through Brian Littrell's songs like 'Over My head', 'My answer is You' [all on my guitar mind you..anyone wants the chords to them can ask me..i chored 'over my head' and 'Wish' le] and by the time i reached 'In Christ Alone', my voice started to croak out and tears were starting to form and a tingling feeling came over me..qt difficult to carry on singing but i did so anyway..Man..didn't know that it was so difficult for musicians..But i jus felt like God was really there, all 3 of them, listening in on what i had to say..

So i just carried on the chord progression of the song i was on, and i started my prayer, sort of slow rapping the prayer according to the rhythm of the song as well..and it allowed my prayer to sustain for through 15 mins each request. Which isn't bad at all considering my track record of completing all my prayer requests in 15 mins..hah..but speed and length is not the answer..but the sincerity and the presence..

I'm not usually so patriotic, but i prayed and gave thanks for this island city that He has given us Singaporeans, a place where natural disasters do not strike, and haven where the sun shines throughout the year, where tsunamis are blocked off by other land masses..and that by His grace and mercy and provision are we able to send disaster relief teams out to places that aren't so blessed as we [in the sense of safety..they will be blessed in other ways] and for Singapore's leadership to come truly into power, with the Holy Spirit coming upon them to guide them and give them wisdom that was granted Soloman when he reigned, but with the heart with which David ruled.

And i prayed for my lil sis..even though by now she woulda reached Illinois, i prayed for her journey mercy, that she reach safely and that administrations are smooth and speedy. That people she meet will be friendly and kind to her and welcome her in the land that is strange to her. That she would go on in faith in the land that God has sent her, and find her destiny and strength there so that she may one day fulfill God's calling for her. That she continue to stay grounded in the word and in God and someone would take over as her spiritual guide.

Yepp..So lil sis, if you're reading, that's wad Korr do in his quiet time. In simplistic notes:
1. Praise 2. worship 3.continue to play some tune 4. send prayer requests
And some people include bible reading and study in quiet times. I personally don't do that, cos i do my bible reading traveling and i cover qt a lot like that. [even tho i admit it woulda be much faster if i did it in quiet time too..haha..maybe one day i will]
But most importantly is the fifth step
5. Linger in God's presence
Provided of course He is there..but it also never hurts to keep waiting until He does..keep praising and worshipping until He does and you feel Him. Always remember, the degree by which you feel Him is determined by your faith level..If you take your quiet time as a practice session, you will not feel anything. but if you truly believe He will be there, He will be there. And even if 2 people are in the same room, if 1 believes that He will be there, and 1 just be there for the sake of praying, only 1 will truly feel the presence and the other will just complain that God wasn't there..but GOD IS THERE! ALWAYS! He's omnipresent and i'm only talking about the degree YOU feel His presence, i'm not doubting that His presence is always there..Faith Level counts..

Remember the parable of the talents? the conclusion i taught you was that to him who has more, he will be given more. But to him who has little, even what little will be taken away from him [disclaimer note...i'm typing this w/o my bible so dun quote me..go read yourself..paraphrased] Jesus is talking about Faith too! To him who has a lot of faith, he will be able to sense God's presence, God becomes so much more real to him and thus his faith will grow. But to him who has little faith, who dun believe God will be there, he will not be able to feel God's presence and what little faith he had will be taken away..So take faith, believe and grow! Will take a while, to develop that [even i am not that good at it] but this is the short cut to growing in God! Chew on it a while, let this message sink in..and try it out..tell me if it works..anything just email me lo..haha.


-Endz- Faith comes by hearing and hearing of God's words!

Something's missing le! haha..Manling..another one gone to studies le..countdown starts

Dear all

Think it's a while since i featured my lil sis on my blog le..haha..prolly the last time for a while since i'm not gonna see her for a while le..haha..and since she just left Singapore today so i tink i'm perfectly justified to feature one entry to her right? [hope there's no other jealous frens who wan me to feature too..haha..if so then comment la..i try to accede to requests..haha]

Anyway, today is a lot of mixed feelings le..haha..one thing cos i know that i woke up at 0545 to get to changi airport at 0700 to send Huimin off..then another thing is that i kinda knew that Manlings gonna act like she always does when we're with the DSTA bunch of dudes..haha..then i'll be one of the guys, she'll be one of the girls and dun talk much one..haha..dun worry manz, i understand..

Then i was so excited the day before cos i made a nice card for Manz, and a notebook that we both liked the cover of, but were both disapointed when we saw that it was checkered boxes inside! But when i was shopping ard artfriends for the card material, i saw the book! haha..really nice cover..then i made the bookmark with a cross attached to the end, with 2 magnetic clasps so that the cross would stick snugly to the metal wire so it doesn't hang ard and get caught in something else..really nice..dun usually do little things like that for people..then the 1st 2 pages i decorated with what little pictures i have of my lil sis and myself, and i wrote a page full of stuff to her..including the nice card so that's 2 pages of nice stuff i wrote for her! haha..[you betta appreciate it..haha..kidding..]

But then when we arrived, we realised that we hadta get cards for the 3 of them leaving, so like i bought 2 cards for CK and Wanjing, and i relented letting them use the book as a farewell card too..tot She might appreciate it cos the card may be misplaced but how can you misplace a notebook?! haha..so she'll be able to reflect and remember what great friends she has back here in Singapore! haha..yepp..but now kinda regret cos it's supposed to be MY gift to her..now like everyone's got a hand in it..wonder if she stil remember it's something her Korr gave her..sigh..budden she'll be reading this right? haha..Gd Gd..haha..

Haha..budden i tink the objective's been met le..i guess not by my efforts la..haha..hopefully i had a small part to play in it, but i guess most of the job's done by Xiufie and CLara and her frens..sigh..Oh..anyway, the objective[or my objective] was to make her moved to tears..haha..so chek arr..haha..anyway, i tink she really felt LOVED and that really is the point of seeing her off..or else it's just hi, bye, check in..wads the point in that?

Yepp..As usual, after she's gone me feel like half gone too..haha..even the coffee i had in the morning was not enuff to keep my spirits up..only the novelty of wearing a blazer in smart casual wear and Xiufie and Christine talking to me then my flagging spirits remained up and running for Pastor Kong's powerful sermon about the role of a husband in a marraige..haha..nothing much that i haven't heard already, but it's always joy to praise and worship the Lord, singing new songs that He has given our song writers, and new inspirations and revelations that He gave His servant Ps Kong to speak out to us.

But that ain't my focus for today..

Yepp..in total, i drank 3 cuppa coffees to keep my energy level up..thank God for Daphne talking to me much more than usual sundays and let me siphon off her 'solar energy' haha..you still remember? still very important to me horr..even tho i try to have other source of power le..haha..diversify energy source..

Back to my lil sis..wonder how's she doin now..tink she got super a lot of people to get back to that she promised, including me..if you reading this now, you take care of yourself, and dun really have to get back to me so fast ya? you promised Xiufie le, so you better msg her first, and then whoever you promised too..i understand if you take a few days to get back to me..korr always understands one..just dun wait till i misunderstand..hahah..then disaster! Hohohho..

ANYWAY..just feels like something's missing..and for now i daresay it's Manling that's missing..Ohwell..few days later when she starts to contact me then thing's will prolly get better..then it'll be something else missing..something is always missing..that's why life's worth living..so many things to grab hold of and to treasure..if you really get everything in your life, then it'll be so boring and you'll just take everything for granted won't we? haha..kinda SM to think this way, but that's how people work..we only miss the water when the well runs dry..

Yupp..Manz..really wish you coulda been here for so many thing's that's going on..like i'm gonna have another lesson with Katherine to teach her guitar [finally], and the marraige seminar thingey..really fun and informative and spiritual lesson to learn wad God has in mind for people's marraiges..and the pool..man, the pool is so fun today! almost won Brother Chris!! haha..then took so many photo at pool junction today..bet you woulda have so much fun here..budden again i hope that you wished i was there too! haha..like you're gonna see so many new stuff and fun happenings over there too..ahh..wish i was there too..haha..well, i will be there soon enough le..haha..going over soonn..stopover at Chicago somemore..haha..so farny..sigh..

Wonder if my next 2 weeks will be as crazy as Manz last 2 week when she had a crazy time catching up with old frens..budden again i'm not like her got SO many CLOOSE frens..haha..eh! your korr really not kidding when I say that i was too late in the 'best friends race' and that my good friends are really rare and few between..haha..so i guess to Katherine's question as to what i have left to do in Singapore..Without my Xiao Mei ard le i prolly only wanna go Yio Chu Kang to take photo of the satellite dishes in the evening..no movie to watch..ate enuff seafood for a long while le..[i dun live to eat anyway..] got the music i wan, got camera le, got MP3 le, got running shoes le, got Basketball shoes le..hmmm...really got little much i really wan..only to meet up with my other frens and have them write in my autograph book too! haha..too bad it's still with Deanna til tuesday..sorry to those who cannot get to write in it..pls just write in a construction paper B5 size and pass to me? i paste it on kay? haha..

Yepp..so guys, if you are reading this and haven't sen me for qt awhile le, pls comment or just msg me or someth.i try to figure out something! haha..but dun tink so cos like people who reading my blog are those MSN frens and cell group frens and Xiao Mei and lil sis Manz..haha..so there..yepp..but i really have missed you out, pls drop a msg and catch me! hah..

Yup..to round off, to Manz, your korr misses you..To everybody else, i hope i will miss you..haha..but got ppl like Jian Hu say that life will be so hectic and adventurous that i prolly will be too caught up in it to feel the hurt and missing so much..then before we know it, it'll be summer already! then i can bug my parents to pop for flight back to Singapore! haha..so i can save more for my 'car fund'..haha..have fun go mad! haha..thank God for all the blessings He has given me, for a lil sis Manz and Xiao Mei Huiling who loves and takes care of Korr, for all the family member who has given me such a warm loving home, and my relatives who have surprised me with such a great blessing..Today is a great day of thanksgiving and praise the Lord for all He has already given me, and for the things that He is preparing to Bless me with. Amen!

-Endz- have fun go mad, lil sis Manz!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Dry Dry..something' missing

Dear all,

I guess something's missing now..not really sure why, but i have been listening to John Mayer's 'something's missing' and it kinda sounds relevant in my life right now..

Feels like it's back to those days after ORD when i would laze around at home doing nothing, playing my X-Box and computer. Today i tried out the game that my sis had downplayed it's fun by saying it's so difficult..which influenced me enough to not even try..haha..so here's a lesson to be learnt..gotta try things out for yourself before you come down on it with a impression. haaha..

But stil feel a bit blue from yesterday..tho the thing itself cleared, but what remains is still a tragedy..kinda like wondering what kinda person am i really..qt lost now..cos i'm still in shock as to why i did what i did..totally not me at all..and hence today, you guys as you read you might realise that i'm not my usual me writing this entry..

OR it could be that today really is that uneventful that i dun feel like saying much..

Well, onething productive i did today is that i actually finally went jogging after several days of inactivity! haha..been out cycling once every week, so people are saying my legs look fitter already..but this week dun have activity so gotta go jogging..haha..after jogging i brought my doggie out walking..

So proud of COLA! haha..that's my golden retriever..the last time i brought him out, he could not hold his bladder and faeces..he crapped in the middle of the pavement! haha..luckily that time there was a MacDonalds takeaway bag so i could clear it..or else i woulda been so paiseh..and inconsiderate..

I tink this time he learnt le..like see him piss at the side of the road, and crap nicely in the grass patch..haha..so much better le..so there..

Yepp..something's really missing here..hope i find out what it is before i go crazy wondering about it..have you ever wondered the same thing? like somedays, the same things happen to you, but you just feel different? it's like something so intangible that you cannot name it, but you will notice it so clearly that you know when it's not there? sigh..God! Be with me!

-Endz- Come back..missing thing..whatever you are i miss..

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Sun has Broken Through

Gosh! that was fast. Dear all, i've learnt something about myself today..i'm definitely a worry-wart..for things that are close to heart, i am a worry wart..haha..so if i dun worry for you...heehee..yepp..

Anyway i realise this morning is a morning of bad miscommunication. 1 with my fren, another with my fren Christine. haha..Guys guy..i tell you things here so that you can be more sensitive about me! like if i say if dun like some1 for wad reason, then you should be doing the background work and avoid placing me with that some1, not come up to me and ask me why!!! haha..sensitivity! i dun need people to offer advices when i'm not ready to take them, and when i'm ready, i will ask for them..haha..that's just me, and i ain;t gonna change for no one, so try to work with me alright? Really sorry for the miscommunication Christine, din mean to say that i din appreciate you.

Yepp..jus wanna thank God that it's only a case of over-frayed nerves and a disturbed mind..and really thankful that the ultimatum did not turn out to be what i feared would come to pass. God is trying to tell me to have more faith in people, and believe them to do what they need to do, and their intentions to be Good. and i only just heard him.

Now that this thing is more-or-less over, i've got a few more issues to tackle..being over-suspicious of people, being hung up on old impressions, and a over-raging emotional side of me that i thought i had long conquered. I dun usually see myself as an emotional person..normally i'm more the observer/thinker than the rush on the spur of the moment kinda guy..but kinda feel that i haven't tamed myself yet..like can PMS sometimes and piss people off and dun care wad i'm doing sometimes..manz..gotta change this somehow..people, if i PMS again and dun realise it, pls tell me? haha..then i will quarantine myself and let me calm down first..at least i wun piss people off..haha..

Events for today..

-Cell Group Meeting[meeting Hanzhong and Sharon for once since last week! haha..they have been on holiday at HongKong..dunno got gifts for me?
-nothing else..haha..prolly gonna praise and worship God for a while later after lunch, den do up a card for a fren's b-dae..pretty boring day..so this prolly is my entry for the day le..haha..so there..take care guys, God Bless!

-Endz- And God hasn't let me down yet! Praise God Always!

Thursday Blues..really blue morning

Dear all,

Not really feeling 100% now..cos i just sent a friend an ultimatum of some sorts..If there's nothing wrong bet us then she'll just be confused, but if there's anything wrong then i hope the e-mail will rectify what's wrong, or end it all cos it's confusing me too. So if you're reading this, pls check your mail for any from me..If you did not receive anything, then breathe a sigh of relief and carry on reading, cos by now it should be sitting in the Inbox le..

I tink i contracted this from Daphne..I really love honesty in a person [even though i appreciate tact even more] and i really dun like to second guess things too much..no point getting all riled and crazy just to find that things aren't like that. So i just get riled and crazy and send the mail, so that i can be normal for the rest of my life. Really wanna 'chop-chop' settle this problem, and if it's meant to go on, the friendship will last. But if the expiry date suddenly appeared, then i muz be prepared to let go too..I never overstay my welcomes.

Yepp..cun sleep late this morning even tho it's a cold morning, cold from the early morning rain, and cold from this sick clammy feeling in my stomach since last night [no, it's not a stomachache] yepp..actually have already went through this problem with a friend before, and it killed a beautiful friendship already. Haha..Is Satan going to win again this time? I have no idea..it's suddenly Deja Vu..My guess is that the mail is prolly going to get ignored and i lose a friend without knowing why again.

Why? Why? In both cases i admit that my emotions went a bit overboard [in previous case extremely overboard] but in both cases i'm really very sincere about the friendship and about finding a best friend in my life. What's wrong with that? Gender Issues? haha..dun make me laugh..really dun understand people sometimes even when i pride myself with being sensitive and understanding.. i guess i cannot expect everyone to be honest with me all the time.

But well, actually qt enjoying this morning cos it's really qt poetic and melancholic in the sense that i'm feeling physically what i'm going through emotionally right now..really cold..haha..enjoying it, but cannot wait for the sun to break through, cos i know that God and His angels are just waiting beyond the dark skies to rescue me or to cover me with the warm white linen that is their love for me. God has to be using this event to teach me something. I only hope that the Holy Ghost will be guiding me to observe it and learn it fast fast so i can break through..Oh well..probably tonight's cell group meeting will have a word for my life now? Can only pray

Keepin it short cos i hope the reply would come fast fast and i can add another entry to lighten up this day soon!

-Endz- People have always disappointed me..but not God..so i place my trust in where i will not be disappointed. As always..

Bye Bye Frankie, E240 @ Kster, @ Marina South

Dear all,

Here is my entry today! haha..

Yepp..first order of today..is that i slept at 130am, and had to wake up at 0630 am to be in time for sending frank off today at changi airport. Sigh..had to drag myself outta bed, have myself a warm cuppa coffee to start my day, and tried to read some newspaper, then hear about some MORE natural disaster den oso dun wanna read on le.haha..anyway, i pushed myself onto the bus, only to find out that i forgot my handphone and it was starting to drizzle..haha.din wanna go back in the rain for the handphone le so just headed toward airport without handphone..[felt a bit naked without it..haha..]

Ya..Dear Frankie..haha..have to say i'm not really that that close to him, but he's one of the few friends i had before i joined the DSTA orientation who was there too, so he's rather significant to me..haha..but apart from that, cos we were in different groups during the award ceremony preparations and during OBS so we cun grow closer as friends. ha..but he's a really cool dude and really can take jokes one so people like to poke fun at him..but new: people only poke fun at people they love! haha..people like me they cun care less..much less bother to poke fun at me..haha.that's the sad truth..

Yepp..but one thing that struck me was when his whole family unit came out to see him off..wonder if my family would do the same for me..haha..budden my flight is in 645 in the morning so a bit difficult..and i oso dun wanna disturb them too..haha..yepp..but the main thing is that the family actually prayed together for Frank's safety and studies over in New York! like totally cooll..it's one thing to have the family saved and loving God, and to have the family praying together! like a gigantic cell group that really puts forth what Jesus died on the cross to show us..our worth and our love! was really touched by his family, and was proud that i caught on enough to realise that his family actually expected us [his friends] to surround him and pray for him too..haha..in the end i tink i was the lone ranger close to him and laying a hand [finger actually..haha..] on him and praying for him..only i wasn't feeling spiritually strong that morning so i hope i din affect him..

Yeah..but truly, a family that prays together, will stay together..haha..can imagine if i am the head of my family in the future and all of them are in Christ, i would make sure we even did quiet time together and praise and worship God together! totally cool concept, and that;s how we should build our families! can really feel the warmth and love in that family..Frank is really blessed..

But, therein marks the departure of 2 of our brethren in study.haha..feel a bit loss cos i know it'll be manling's turn, then CK and Lawrence, then my turn too..then gotta get used to life there and realise that life in SIngapore has ended for a short while..sigh..But God will take me through it all..at least that is how much He revealed to me..so i'll just trust in His provision and love and make it through! yepp..

Woo Hoo! Cell group outing to Kster @ chinatown! haha..actually been talking about it for qt a while le..only now then actually put it into action and find a day when most of us are free to go for it..hah..really cooll..this time i actually enjoyed it from the start rather than last time..like din dare to sing last time..this time i was determined to do advertisement for LeeHom and Jay chou..haha..but i was surprised at my vocal range too..cos usually both their songs are too high for me..but today was alrighto! haha..sang Wa Jie, An Jing, San Hu Hai by Jay CHou, and Kiss Goodbye, Ni bu Zai, Liang Ge Ren Bu Deng Yu Wo Men, Mei Yi miao li dou xiang jian dao ni, and many more by LeeHom! haha..tink i established myself as an avid fan of Leehom and Jay le..haha..

Totally cool man..never enjoyed singing so much before..and now some more start to feel good about my voice too..used to think i cannot sing well..then wonder how come praise and worship i like singing too..ha..maybe it's all in my head..i tink i sing well but everyone out there is suffering..haha..anyway..

Yepp..then we proceeded to have dinner at Marina South..haha..there was like me, Christine, Joanne, Chris, and Sky..budden Sky looked like he had something to talk to Chris about, so in the end it was the 3 of us cooking and eating and talking and crapping so much..hah..but really had a great time of fellowship as we mentioned about attitudes towards God, how people we know react to God and their relationship with God, and our perception of what should be..haha..then after dinner we carried on to walk to MRT and got lost on the way and talked more..haha..just reach home actually so typing real fast so i can go sleep soonn..haha..yepps. gonna upload the photos to yesterday's entry tomorrow..hah..2 day lag le..tink this is the laggest entry i had..kinda tired now, gianing for another can of coca cola tho..haha..yepp..nitez everybody!

-Endz- As Manz alwayz goes: Thanks Guys! You Made It Happen! [Thanks Chris!]

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Lake House! LAKE HOUSE!

Dear all,

Had a great time today without my lil sis Manz..haha..shall stop mentioning her so much..ahha..

Yepp..cos i spent time with my other lil sis! Huilingz! haha..yepp..but she came late so it's me and christine walking around city area looking for her guitar which she intend to buy. Yepp..plus a quick crash course on playing the guitar. haha..i tink i taught so much more than i ever did in that session than with anyone..think Christine really picked it up well, better than Kat and Flo le..[granted that she only started today..haha..tink she really did well..keep it up ya?]

Yepp..then i chanced on a christian bookstore in which i bought a bible for myself..cos my old one was falling out of shape and look really pathetic le..and i haven't even finished it once! haha..then i oso bought a nice travel bible for my little sis that looked so much better than my old one, that i had to gratify myself and get me a nice one too! haha..ended up buying a NLT version that was encased in a metal case and it looks really cool! haha..like totally can picture myself standing in the MRT train and flipping/leafing through it in public..plus it is totally readable! haha..start to feel the hunger for God's words again..haha..yepp..really proud of this buy.

LAKE HOUSE!!! Wanted to post a nice picture from the movie here..will do it tomoroz if i remember..but saw that the review was like only C+..how can?! it's like classic love story that makes people cry! totally heart warming and really cool concept..and fantastic screen play between Keenu Reeves and Sandra Bullocks! great combi!

Dunnoe what else to say about this film..totally worth my 9.50 watching it! haha..every1 out there..watch it!! haha..and dun tink too much at the end of the movie cos i know there's like a lot of time-travel conundrums that can come out and then people will say got loophole in the movie plot..but the idea is to enjoy the story and the love! and how 2 people can try so much to be together..very sweet! why can't i experience something like that? haha..paisei..musing le..

Yepp..here i muz apologise to Katherine, who was the unfortunate neighbour of mine when i was watching the movie..think i was totally inconsiderate movie goer today..haha..munching on my Calibee chips, whispering to her about the things that was going on in the movie..haha..but i really enjoyed myself! Thanks Kat..haha..you really indulged me..really fun watching it with you!

It's really a great movie..wished my lil sis Manz watched it with us too..but can't really ask for much le..haha.If things are meant to happen they will..no point fretting to much about it. Yepp..so there..tomoroz another comrade will leave for his studies..our numbers dwindle quickly and DSTA's seed is spreading across the world..haha..yes..so let us go forth and change the world! Heez. gonna be my turn soon..

-Endz- Man, hope i get to have as good a experience writing to friends as Alex and Kate in Lakehouse..God? heez..

Monday, August 07, 2006

Aw man..bummer..no Zoo..but someth better :P

Dear all,

haha..i knew there was something wrong with me when i woke up this morning at 0730 am in the morning..so unlike me..haha..yepp..anyway, i woke at 0730, went through my morning rituals, and i finally tried to do the Egg Benedict! it's the breakfast that was featured in the movie 'V for Vendetta' haha..trust me to remember such a detail..

it's actually very very simple..just oil enough to grease your whole frying pan and drain the excess oil [you dun wan your bread to soak the oil] then you heat the pan..meanwhile you jus tear off a sizable hole in the middle of the piece of bread so it kinda look like a bread doughnut, then when the pan is hot enough to fry a sunny-side up egg, throw the bread onto the pan, let it burn a bit [slow fire of course..] then break the egg into the hole you made and voila! haha..but you gotta flip the whole piece of course so the egg will get cooked on both sides, but you oso dun wan to have it too cooked..cos i like the egg semi cooked so when i bite in, the egg yolk will oooze out warm into my mouth..Mmmmmm...and the bread taste like it's Ya Kun toasted..haha..maybe not, but it can simulate the toaster effect qt nicely..haha..yepp that's the first recipe i feature on my blog..anyone improve it pls comment ya? haha..

Yepp..then i was reading the papers[so unlike me] and i made entries in my blog this morning and backdated it so it coincides on the days it happened..[can be done one..go play ard with the post and comment options..]

But one thing was that i was having a severe sinus problem in the morning..so i used up 1 whole roll of toilet paper and filled the waste basket with it + the disgusting mucus i produced..even my hot cuppa coffee could not counteract that cold! aargh! then i messaged all the DSTA Suisen comrades about the zoo outing Lil Sis Manling was organizing today, then sadly enough i found that i'm not well enough to go myself..haha..on top of that, no Suisen ppl replied me, so i assume none of them wanted to go as well..Oh well, seems like it'll be a munshi outing le..haha..

I guess God is trying to push me down a way..haha..like really he wanted me not to go or something..think i understand what He is telling me already..haha..yeah..me listening here, Father..just feel a bit sore about it but i understand too..haha..thank God i can trust Him to make the decision for me when i cannot..yepp..so i stayed home, and had a very warm afternoon nap..

Oh..not the end of my day yet..i woke up, mused about how Lil Manz is doing at Zoo now [prolly having a blast]. so i had my own blast with my mistress, cradling her on my lap, pulling her strings and making sweet music with her..refering of cos to my Classical Guitar whom i named my mistress! Gave away my wifie I to Yehui already..[you betta take care of it kay! or i claim her back! take care = giving attention and making music!]

Yepp..surfed the web for tabs/chords for Brian Littrell's songs, found 1 which was 'In Christ Alone' which irritatingly was not in his album, but a really wonderful Gospel song. And I chorded a song [freakingly easy song 'over my head'..wonder if i missed out several chords but it sounds alright..just repeating D//A//Bm//G all the way..haha..] yepp..had a great time strumming and singing to the Lord this afternoon..

All the christians out there, i have an ultimate test for your eyes today! haha..go watch this video that some1 out there made for Brian Littrell; a Music Video for the song 'Wish' I'll feature the lyrics below, just the lyrics alone will make you tear a bit already..watch the video and you will flow rivers of living waters lol..haha..yepp..here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmacF-VZrqk

So today i have accomplished in part what i wanted to do; to catch on lost time with God himself! totally satisfied with this day already..and now mom has just prepared a chinese herbal soup for my cold..feeling totally loved already..prolly go jogging for a while later..feel fat too! haha..why does love always translate to feeding well? haha..well, that's for now..Take Care guys, God Bless.

Wish [Brian Litrell]

For Just a moment//I wish I could have been there
To see Your first step, hear Your very first word
Tell me, did You ever fall and scrape Your knee?

Did You know Your wounds would one day heal the world?
For just one moment//I wish I could have see You growing
Learning the ways of a carpenter’s son
Just a little boy gazing at the stars//Did You remember creating every one?
If You passed by, would I have see a child or a King?
Would I have known?

I wish I could have been there//My only wish is to see Your face to face
Wish I could have been there//Just to see You, Jesus, face to face

For just a moment//I wish I could have been there
When You left Your footprints upon the waves
To walk along beside You and never look away
Just Your whisper and the wind and sea obey
To see Your feed the people//To feel Your healing in Your touch

To hear You pray in the garden alone//Laying down Your Will with each tear
To see You walk that lonely road//Willing to die for me

And in that moment//I know I should have been there
You took my cross and gave Your life
And You live again

Wish I could have been there
My only wish is to see You, Jesus, face to face
Someday I’ll be there, I’m gonna be there
I’ll see Your face, Your mercy, Your grace
Someday, someday
I’m gonna see You, Jesus
Face to Face


-Endz- Oneday i will See You, Lord..I only pray I can still stand in your grace..

Sunday, August 06, 2006

RE: to God and Friends, and 2nd last time meeting Manz B4 Winter Break!

Dear all,

I believe that God truly has replied my blog entry..haha..entry of 'To God and Friends' whereby i just spammed about things that was bothering me..Truly His ways are higher than our ways, and when we cannot see what God is doing, we just have to trust that He is taking care of things for us and believe in His promise.

On top of that, i believe i have made self reflections on myself and my purpose since that incident, so i should be alright now..i will go on to elaborate.

Previously i mentioned 2 things that was bothering me. The first of which was my lack of anticipation/fear/anxiety of my going overseas, which was answered in the first message that God has given me today. The 2nd thing that was bothering me was my lil Sis's neglect of her korr me..haha..

Anyway, i felt totally wierd cos 2 weeks b4 we were like msging 20+ messages every day, and she would reply my msgs very fast..so the past week when we lost touch [no emails, no sms, no calls] i felt like there was something missing..hahaha..honestly speaking it felt like as if suddenly lost touch with GF or someth..[nothing like that in reality haha..musings..]

But i realise that i was doing something wrong already. Have i not already made a promise to God that in the 4 years upcoming i would consecrate my life for Him? that i would not let a emotional bond draw me away from Him and my working towards my destiny? I believe that i have let this friendship grow too much on me already, and now i have to set myself straight again and go on a intensive relationship-regime with God to catch up on lost time. truly i have neglected my time with Him and focused too much on my new lil sis..so there. this is the second message i received from God today, that he has used my lil sis to show me my lackings and the area i need to work on in order to fulfill my purpose for this next 4 years.

But truly, i found this relationship with Manling to be a refreshing one In God. cos she was some1 i could share His love with, share with her the God that i know and what he has done for me..and i truly believe that God has called us to love one another and this should be the standard by which i love my close friends, by sharing God's love [for he loved us first]. But i kinda feel that things changed a bit, and i find it more difficult to share that with Manz le..like suddenly feel that i have already brought her up to my level and a bit difficult to flow and teach her stuff..or that she has already not looked up to me as a mentor or something..haha..but i guess God has already given me a precious window through which my thoughts and ideas flowed so easily into her that i was able to bring God into her life so strongly. Thank God for that opportunity and Thank God too that i was able to fulfill that purpose for which i was brought into her life. Now i just pray to God that Manz will continue to subscribe to my teachings and 'discipleship' so that she may grow stronger in Christ, or that some1 will take my place and guide her along this long path which is her walk with Christ. Amen!

-Endz- trust in God always, for He is Jehovah Jireh, God will provide!

CHC 17th anniv and FOP

Dear all,

6th August officially marked the 1 year milestone whereby i can finally declare that i have joined E240 for 1 year! haha..still remember the first time i got to meet everyone was when i was invited to the 16th yr anniversary by Daph, when i first met Hanzhong and everyone in E240, and when Christine and I were going through a difficult time. Yepp. it's been a good year, guyz, when i was tinking that my social circle was getting smaller cos i was losing good friends in my life, E240 happened, God happened and everything turned around for me! If i hadn't met E240, my life up til now woulda been so colourless and boring and lifeless..you guys really changed my life, turned it upside down inside out, and painted my drab life colourful! Love you guyz and will definitely miss you guyz..

Yepp..17th anniversary was certainly memorable..what with all the video presentations of what was and what currently is, and of course the celebration of the 20th year of ministry of our very own senior Pastor, the Reverend Kong Hee whom everyone in CHC loves so much..Even Manling who just joined us for 2 services was full of praises of this powerful man of God! And all the video presentations just made me wanna cry and tear and feel for the church too, even though i've only joined for 1 yr..i already identify myself as part of the church!

But on top of everything, i received another fresh touch from God..I believe that He had given 2 messages in the span of the day, thanks to the annointed Don Moen and his song 'Hiding Place' that moved me to tears and mucuses [totally unglam] yepp..

The 1st message i received is that God was telling me not to worry about my studies and life abroad, for he is with me, have been and will always be with me. And He will provide for all my needs and will take care of me even when i can't take care of myself. I feel that God is telling me to be strong and have faith in His provision and strength that will take me through the heartbreaks, studies, temptations and everything else i may find there.

One thing in common between FOP and the 17th anniversary was the powerful worship and praise music that was featured, in which i totally screamed my lungs out..and in dismay as Nikki Fletcher went ahead and tuned 'great is our god' up 1 key for her sake..and everyone in the audience cannot hit the high notes..haha..but it was fun and a good release to be able to praise and worship God so unreservedly like this.

And the word was fantastique! haha..really, the truth will set you free and this time it really did! Pastor Kong was teaching us that Faith has 4 dimensions [Width - to trust your fellow men, Length - to trust your future and destiny, Height - to trust yourself and your abilities, and Depth - to trust in God](note..i may have mixed up height and depth) and Ps Ed Silvoso was teach us that to change the world we need to do things in 2 dimension, which is through the Pulpit ministry and the Marketplace ministry and he listed several biblical and real-life scenarios that proved that fact! totally flowed with what Ps Kong was preaching to us about penetrating the marketplace for the marketplace. Powerful!

-Endz- Fulfilling day in which i recharged on God's strength. 'When i am weak, you are strong..'

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Cell Group Cycling!

Dear all,

Haha..this entry is the fourth of the day! haha..yepp..anyway, on this day we went to Malaysia to cycle and have lunch! Totally new concept of an outing, cos we rented the bicycles from Singapore Changi Village [25 bikes], then transported them to the ferry terminal, then boarded the ferry and brought everyone over! Then we cycled 18 km to the restaurant for lunch..

Yepp..it's a totally activity kinda outing so there ain't too much musings to be made here..only thing worth of note is how everyone forgot to bring sunblock lotion, and rejected the sun tanning lotion because they din wanna tan..haha..i had to explain that if they dun tan they will burn! haha..anyway for those not in the know, SPF 4 [in the tanning oil] means that if you take x hours to get a sun burn, SPF 4 will delay that and you get a sun burn in 4x hours instead! so tanning oil is better than nothing! haha..Remember!

Manz, the sun there is terrible! haha..not at all the warm kinda sun, but the beating down kinda sun that has us sweating very much! haha..the trip there took a while, cos everyone was still getting used to cycling..but surprisingly the route was qt a good road, a military grade type X route which was very comfortable to cycle on. Only a short stretch of dirt/sand route which cut through some field of some sort..really enjoyable being out in the country/sea side instead of the usual urban environment.

Oh! My Xiao Mei was with us! haha..after several times of coaxing and inviting i finally see my xiao mei and my cell group together! haha..i tink it's a good first meeting for her and the cell group, so Christine had better follow-up! hha..cos i wun be around le.haha.yepp..My xiao Mei, Huiling..

Finally get to feature her on this blog! Haha..Anyway, the way i met Huiling was actually qt magical too..i first met her at my penpal [junlin]'s birthday party and Huiling was her best friend. so as her best friends she had to entertain me..then we had several common topics to talk about, mainly about literature topics cos we both took Literature humanities [both taking O levels that year]..then haha..young and stupid me had a crush on her that lasted 2 weeks where i always saw her everywhere i turned..haha..Anyway, i tot i was over it, then it had to happen, that she went to the same JC as i did, we met, but tot that we would be in different classes, then it turned out to be the same class! haha..

So hilarious..But anyway, to cut the long story short, nothing happened between the 2 of us, she is now my xiao mei and we have been good friends since that time..so God bless her and her big heart for keeping me as her Korr! haha..despite me not keeping in contact with her for so long le..hah..yepp! Tribute to Huilingz Xiao Mei!

yepp..anyway, the whole convoy went on towards the restaurant..It was fantastic! I crave no longer for seafood and crab and great food le! in fact, i ate like 2 and 3/4 bowl of rice, 2 fried buns and a lot of other stuff! haha..overeater! then i had trouble after wards with my gastric [not supposed to eat so much at a go] and felt like puking while i was on my bike..haha.and my stomach stretched! like very uncomfy when i stood upright..haha..

But on the route back, Christine was suffering from a slight tinge of heat injury..was cycling behind, but i din really notice until Huiling pointed out that Christine was not cycling normally..like she would suddenly veer to the centre of the road and back, and she looked worse..Here is where i really thank God for my army training that allowed me to diagnose what was wrong with her, cos people actually die of heat injury? like it can directly link to shortage of blood flow to the head and oxygen supply to the brain and heart failure? SAF had several cases of super fit people dying to heat injuries already..and this time thank God Huiling was keeping a close eye on her so i found out in time..

Yepp..and thank God for my water bag and the cool water i filled it up with, so i managed to get her to stop at a small pavillion, made her drink 250 ml of water and sprayed her wet with my waterbag on her head, neck and arm..haha..i din care if she got white spots or if she caught a flu..people dun die from that, but people die from heat injury so i'm justified..haha..yepp..then she turned on her MP3 phone and then we cycled on when she was okay, and rested when she needed it..

Oh Oh!! and i learnt how to cycle without my hands! haha..can even steer without touching the handles! haha..totally cool! i din know how to do it before this cycling trip! haha..basically you just gotta cycle at a fast enough speed whereby the handle will not veer too much, then you let go, and your legs gotta keep pumping speed to maintain at least that speed..then you gotta use the weight of your hands to steer and direct your path! totally cool man! i like cycled the last 5km without hands! Yeah!

-Endz - totally fun trip! Thanks go out to Jaz and Chris who planned and arranged the whole outing! We love the 2 of you!