B-Roking my world

Hi Guyz..whoever is bored enuff to be interested in my Blog..i promise nothing exciting except anything that God has placed into my life, and i promise no powerful insight except that which God placed in my heart to say. But truly, this Blog gives thanks to God and serves to remind me everyday what God is going to do in my life, that i may remember his Greatness! [of course random musings not excluded..hhaha.ya..so until it becomes interesting, hope this is enuff for you..]

Location: Ann Arbor, USA/Michigan, United States

Hmm..I wonder how many ppl read this part..Anyway, i am a simple person. I try a lot, I fail a lot. I try to love a lot, i try to hate less. I try to be a nice person, but i also try to know when i'm not being nice. I try. And it's the most that anyone can say for themselves isn't it?

Sunday, August 06, 2006

CHC 17th anniv and FOP

Dear all,

6th August officially marked the 1 year milestone whereby i can finally declare that i have joined E240 for 1 year! haha..still remember the first time i got to meet everyone was when i was invited to the 16th yr anniversary by Daph, when i first met Hanzhong and everyone in E240, and when Christine and I were going through a difficult time. Yepp. it's been a good year, guyz, when i was tinking that my social circle was getting smaller cos i was losing good friends in my life, E240 happened, God happened and everything turned around for me! If i hadn't met E240, my life up til now woulda been so colourless and boring and lifeless..you guys really changed my life, turned it upside down inside out, and painted my drab life colourful! Love you guyz and will definitely miss you guyz..

Yepp..17th anniversary was certainly memorable..what with all the video presentations of what was and what currently is, and of course the celebration of the 20th year of ministry of our very own senior Pastor, the Reverend Kong Hee whom everyone in CHC loves so much..Even Manling who just joined us for 2 services was full of praises of this powerful man of God! And all the video presentations just made me wanna cry and tear and feel for the church too, even though i've only joined for 1 yr..i already identify myself as part of the church!

But on top of everything, i received another fresh touch from God..I believe that He had given 2 messages in the span of the day, thanks to the annointed Don Moen and his song 'Hiding Place' that moved me to tears and mucuses [totally unglam] yepp..

The 1st message i received is that God was telling me not to worry about my studies and life abroad, for he is with me, have been and will always be with me. And He will provide for all my needs and will take care of me even when i can't take care of myself. I feel that God is telling me to be strong and have faith in His provision and strength that will take me through the heartbreaks, studies, temptations and everything else i may find there.

One thing in common between FOP and the 17th anniversary was the powerful worship and praise music that was featured, in which i totally screamed my lungs out..and in dismay as Nikki Fletcher went ahead and tuned 'great is our god' up 1 key for her sake..and everyone in the audience cannot hit the high notes..haha..but it was fun and a good release to be able to praise and worship God so unreservedly like this.

And the word was fantastique! haha..really, the truth will set you free and this time it really did! Pastor Kong was teaching us that Faith has 4 dimensions [Width - to trust your fellow men, Length - to trust your future and destiny, Height - to trust yourself and your abilities, and Depth - to trust in God](note..i may have mixed up height and depth) and Ps Ed Silvoso was teach us that to change the world we need to do things in 2 dimension, which is through the Pulpit ministry and the Marketplace ministry and he listed several biblical and real-life scenarios that proved that fact! totally flowed with what Ps Kong was preaching to us about penetrating the marketplace for the marketplace. Powerful!

-Endz- Fulfilling day in which i recharged on God's strength. 'When i am weak, you are strong..'


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