Dear readers,
Haha..wow..like my 4th entry for the day..apologies if it looks like it's a lot..but i kinda like making entries for different things rather than lump it into a day entry and making it so difficult to digest and catch my drift as well..haha..is it working?
Yepp..This is DSTA at Ink Bar! haha..i guess i'm guilty of not knowing all the people here..sorry guyz..haha..and actually some1 actually asked around if anyone tried the whisky Drambuie! haha..my most looked for liquer, here is a complete description of it..http://www.rampantscotland.com/know/bldev_knowdrambuie.htm! It's super rare and only the better pubs stock it and it is an essential ingredient in my first and favourite cocktail - Rusty Nail - which is made up of Drambuie and scotch whisky. Really strong and packs a kick! And you can really taste the honey after taste of the Drambuie if you're good! haha..try it!
Yepp..anyway, Ink Bar surprised me cos my first impression of it was that it was rather sleazy cos i saw a man escorting a wasted lady out of the place..and obviously he had ulterior motives for getting her that drunk..haha..yepp..but we sure had clean fun there! Firstly, they served HoeGarden beer, which is my favourite beer for it's fruit taste and higher alcohol content, PLUS they served the rusty nail! [tho not in the drinks menu..you gotta ask the bartender for it..] Yepp..so drinks wise it ranks qt high for me alreadi!
On top of that, they have a live band going on, and the band rocks! Like me and Darren were lik going gaga looking at the bass guitarist's skill and his plucking..even tho we poked fun at his guitar's position [really like the beatles cos his guitar strap was so short! the guitar was like across his chest! so high] yepp..haha..and our very own BenG was wowed by the lady saxophonist..and we were all entertained by the singer himself..haha..then the real fun came when we tried to make song requests..
The first song request was made by CK tang, and the lead singer acted like he din know the song..[it was no women no cry..haha] yepp..and dragged CK on stage to sing! haha..totally radical manz..then he dragged some of the DSTA dudes in front to dance to it! haha..then we, not knowing how to learn from mistakes, YingHui made another song request, but Manling kena the arrow! haha..then she was made to go on stage to sing it tho she din know the song, then Ying hui volunteered to go up and sing instead! [wow! you GO Girl!] yepp..so Manz ended up clapping her hands and Yingz was singing on stage and having a blast on stage! and that's captured in 3 separate videos, and i just snapshoted a portion of the video[that's why it looks so sucky..paisei!]
Yepp..all in all, this is the highlight of the night! totally cool, totally fun totally exciting! Thank God for this day that He has given us!
-Endz- Act wanted to mention that i had problems talking and hanging out with everyone though the outing, but seemed out of place..love you guyz! DSTA RawKs!
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