Cell Group Street Soccer!

Yeppz! Today i hadta drag my tired body outta bed in order to make it to Eunos for street soccer with the guyz from E240 and E266!. Haha..like really rare i join them for soccer cos i had a bad experience from playing soccer in secondary school..haha..yepps..
Wellpz, Remember when i told you guys bout morning rituals? [dun keep to it!] haha..today i really made my day with 2 fried sausaged, and 4 fried chix nuggets, and a sunny side up egg! haha..like really picked-me-up from that lousy wake up where i dragged myself from bed after sub-consciously setting snooze twice already..hah..thank God for all the little favours that He pop into my mind!
Yep..took a long while to reach Eunos..then met ppl like Terence [man, you are really looking sharp nowadays! i look like a nerd beside you lorrz!] and Bernard whom the two of them really look very Yan Dao [handsome] with their contact lenses! man, you guyz should do that more often! hee hee..at least you guyz look betta with contacts wad..i look like a panda cos of my eye bags..sigh..yepps..
Anyway, to most ppl who already know me, i'm hardly a soccer guy; i love basketball, and i love playing basketball..and i tell you..i was a but shocked when they chose to play street soccer in the basketball court when there's a street soccer court beside it complete with a high fence to keep the ball in, and goal posts, and an open door! and the no playing soccer sign in the bball court could not stop them..[living dangerously now..haha] but it's a SACRILEGE! Destroying the original purpose of why things are in the first place..haha..then i took the chance to takle the soccer ball and play bball on the court..haha..take that! Soccer Fans! hahahahah..
Yepps..it was fun..with me running ard not knowing the exact rule, and playing goal keep and confused about not being allowed to use hand..haha..a bit wierd..but it was fun, and it was the first i joined them, so it was great..the weather was good, qt sunny, not too warm, but by 12 we had to cut it cos it was getting warmer and our supply of 100plus ran out..haha..yepps..cool..
Yepp..later gonna go visit my little cuz and trust God in his deliverance, and go shopping for my suitcase..not that i'm making out my little cuz to be insignificant, but if i dwell too much about it, i'll start feeling down, and then i wouldn't be much use to my cuz too right? yepp..so i'll keep smiling, keep praising God, and thanking God for all that we all have received! Amen!
-Endz- Smile always..cos if you dun feel like smiling and dun smile, who will?
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