DSTA Nite Cycling!

Dear all, here is my entry after keeping you guys anticipating for it..ahha..dun think anyone actually started reading my blog except lil sis Manz but i guess i should address you all who accidentally stumbled over my blog too! haha.. Anyway, Me and Manz arrived early! After having dinner at suntec on the grace of my dear BS teacher Hanzhong, we left for ECP after blessing Sharon with bits of Shilin's XXL chicken fillet [v fantastic!] yepps..haha..reached the ECP macdonalds too early so i bought a Vienna coffee from Mac Cafe [totally cannot fight my americano from TCC or starbucks..haha..] yepps..so i made her do an advert for it..like take a photo beside the drink itself, then we took together with what was left..haha..and this photo turned out qt fun, cos we did not think of coordinating whad we did, and we just bit our lips like that! haha..thank God for a lil sis with the same frequency as i have! So Fun time we had!
Then nite cycling started..pretty much the same as what we did before with DSTA group Suisen, except with more people, and that this time i refused to be the last man and babysit the whole group! haha..not that anyone invited me to..all i did was to ask how many ppl we actually had when we started out..only to find out that we had already lost 3 ppl in the first 5 mins of the adventure! haha..talk about misadventure! haha..then dear lil sis demonstrated how we could shout back and forth, so this time the nite cycling was much much more exciting and interesting than what we did before! haha..at least i din have to message or call anyone while cycling! traffic hazard! haha..
yepps..we headed first to changi Village for the nasi lemak, where on the way the first disaster happened, and Lik Sim's bike had blown it's inner tyre and we could not fix it [no bike shops available ard that's open]. Thank God for cabbies at night and the fact that HaoXiang lived nearby so he could park the spoiled bike at his place in exchange for his own bike and meet us up later..haha..yepps..
Orh! before we left Changi Village we ran into my dear friends Daryl, Huiling [my other lil sis], and Christine! haha..so fun and coincidental lo! haha..guess there really isn't anyth coincidental about God's planning; it was a pleasant surprise! Thank God! haha yepps..so right now i got a chance to introduce my lil sis Huiling! haha..so remember this; i will add another entry about her one day..haha..sorry arr!
Yepps, anywayz, afterwards we cycled on and on and on..all throughout i had my Mp3 die on me, so i was a bit sianz, then Manz oso difficult to keep me company all the time..haha..kinda hoped she would've, but then i muz be independent too ya? *Grinz* haha..yepps..so like had a great time taking photos; i took so much more photos than before, more confident of my camera now, but still din take much scenary photo this time cos i've been to most of the places before le..haha..so wait for the albums to be loaded unto tintedshadows @ DSTA ba..haha..
Yess! we went to have prata at some place near Bedok..haha..dunno where it is still, but it's a great place! anyone from the nite cycling know that place pls drop a comment and tell me the name of the place? haha..was surprised to see the shopkeepers so enthusiastic in pulling business, like open tables and arrange chairs for us even tho like total business was only like 37 bucks for 13 ppl..haha.but the prata was goood! haha..even tho i really shouldn't have eaten so much? i ate like 2 kosong and 1 cheese prata [and manz showcased her sensitive nose by smelling and telling us which was the cheese and egg pratas! haha..i muz remember that..] haha..anyways, if you're reading this, always remember NOT to eat too much during nite cycling? cos i was like bike sick throughout and felt like puking most of the time..sigh..spoiler..then took away most of my energy during the cycle..no wonder my lil sis oso din talk to me much..haa..
But i guess it is super great workout! like while last time was a joy ride, this time we started fast n furious [tho it lasted only 30mins] and we covered great distances, and my thighs like cramped throughout from 2am onwards and we cycled all the way from 1030pm - 0600am! which makes it like 730 hrs! haha..wow..no wonder my thighs cramped lorr..haha..then i was shocked cos i needed to stop and stretch my thighs every now and then, while Manz was like still fresh and everyone could go on..haha..me most fat unfit pig in the world..haha..yepps..and my weight when i checked when i returned is like 54kg..super underweight..arghh..muscles mass lost to fats le..sigh..
A quick summary of wad happened and whad everyone did..haha..as usuall, lawrence was bringing us ard, taking the group and deciding where to go..and Frank was surprising me which his screams that sounds strangely close to a chicken..and DanMan was showing us his altitude vs attitude again with a pose at the old supreme court..Manz and Xiufie were like long lost sisters and bringing life to the adventure by posing several pictures together..Weihong was streaking half naked and babysitting the group as a last man of the cycling group the whole time, and slept at first opportunity anywhere[thankx!]..Weihao was severely self controlled after no one passed down his "Math is Fun" Shoute-outs..Lik Sin was our official photographer so stay tuned to his photographs..and as usual i just tagged along for the fun being part of the crowd! haha..lolz..
AND my zen Micro is playing tricks on me..like sometimes it comes on good, then sometimes it zonked out..but this time, when i was returning home sending Manz back halfway, it kicked in and worked! so i was like listening to 'You're my Answer' and 'Welcome Home' on the bus, and i was like play singing it out loud! haha..and that's the way to praise and worship the Lord! make it personal and from you to God! haha..and while Manz was still asleep i was like tearing a bit and giving thanks to God for everything He has blessed me with, the great fellowship, friendship and the opportunity for me to enjoy yet another night in my life in the world that the Lord My God created! Glory be to God! Amen!
Yepp..i suppose i'm really feeling much better than from when i entered the previous entry; thanks to Manz who so graciously offered to pray for my cuz too..and the fact that i added that entry and prayed for him already, the fact that i have sent my worries unto God and thus need worry about it no more..yepps..and to all of you out there who read and prayed with me, thank you so much..i will update you guyz on how my cuz is doing when i find out..yepps..Manz..i love this Blog! it almost gives me another avenue through which i can direct my thoughts and find God in my life! haha..yepps..thank God for seeing it fit to place in my heart to create this blog! Yepps! All the Glory be to God!
Awright..now time for me to lie a bit before cell group meeting at Hanzhong's place..later will prepare to have a great time in the presence of the Lord! haha..Oww..my bad back....
-Endz- Will be strong for the Lord is for me; who can be against me?
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