SUNDAY! Church, deliverance, and CABARET!

Dear all,
Yeah! Finally sunday has arrived! after several days of inactivity or wad feels like that, sunday has arrived! haha..good day..finally get to see lil sis again for after so long [since wednesday only actually..haha..] yepps..but this day is one to look forward to! cos going Esplanade to watch Cabaret! First time going to the Esplanade theatre! keep walking around the building, cycling around it, shopping through it..even went to watch the performance at the concourse, but never went in to the theatre before..haha..very excited..but i'm getting ahead of myself.
Back to the start of the day..haha..another exciting event..had breakfast at Ya Kun! long neva had a nice cupa coffee and soft boiled eggs and nice kaya toast..yumm..but i tink i mortified Manz when i diced the egg, added soya and pepper, and slurpped it up like a slurping ape! that why you dun eat the egg? haha..yeppz. the coffee was good, but nothing like americano at TCC tho..haha..good enough i suppose..but it was a good breakfast! started my day well!..
Service was gooood..almost regretted not going yesterday evening too..Ps Mike Connell is a fantastic preacher, very engaging and informative[?] haha..i tink it's the first time i ever wrote so much in a service before! heh heh..then we had Ps Kong talking to us from 5AM in Uppsala..a very tired senior pastor talking to us..was very touching..esp when you start to feel everyone's good feelings to him..Thank God for such a fantastic pastor that he has given us! We Miss You! haha..
Yes..Today was talking about deliverance, and evil spirits and all, and what Jesus and how Jesus casted out demons. very interesting, but what was actually qt freaky was that you could even have a demon possessing you and not know anything about it, or that simply having a family background of idolatry will invite spirits into your being. But on the whole for myself, i do not feel any ties or links or identity with any spirits and i most certainly do not believe in them [only the Holy Spirit]..yepp..
On top of that, we had a special ministry session where we had Ps Mike Connell and the church staff and leaders pray for everyone for deliverance. It was powerful, what with so many people's demons manifesting within them so strongly, and so many people slain in the spirit and collapsing on the floor. Me? i went forward to confess my wrongdoings [only me and God knows..haha..sorry..not for blogs..] but amidst praying for me, i guess there was an awkward moment where both me and the leader were waiting for someth to happen. like me manifesting or someth..but i haven even had the chance to experience being slain in the spirit too..and i dun wan to act and i dun think i'm supposed to act if it doesn't come, i'm sorry but i will not manifest then..but it felt comfortable..and that i guess the leader WAS flowing in the spirit when he prayed for me, cos i felt like he spoke some powerful word into me, like the devil likes to bluff us into thinking that we sin when we even think about it, so it's no different from committing it anyway, so we tend to think the act naturally comes after the thought. But God tells me otherwise, that Good is always a decision, and Evil an influence, so i can and should still make the decision to stay Holy even if the evil thoughts came into my head! Anywayz, even if i did not manifest, it felt good to confess my sins to some1 who would prolly never see me again, and to have some1 powerful pray for my forgiveness and breaking the bondage of that sin again..yepp..felt much better now that i like confirm i'm free of that..haha..yes..muz fight to protect my salvation.
Yepp.after the ministry i went home, relac for a while, showered, ate dinner then left home for Cabaret! haha..but one thing i realised was that everyone was home that time! like it was a rare time in the house when no one is out with boyfriend or clubbing or working or playing golf..and i was the only who was running out of the house..and i used to blame my sisters for not keeping the saturday evening dinner dates with the family..and now i am responsible for not keeping family time on sundays because i spend the time with my cell group..wah! now moral/god/family decision i sacrifice time with family for cell group or cell group time with family? but i guess wad with me leaving for studies so soon it makes little difference now? yepp..muz keep in mind in the future..
Then went to esplanade! reach early so i called Jian Hu for his location and the cell group fellowship..and caught them bumming around beside ben & jerries at raffles city downstairs. My first time there! it looked great! haha..totally different from wad i saw last time! it looked fantastic..i almost got lost there and cannot find them! haha..yepps..that;s a foto jian Hu took so he's not there..[sorry man..] yepp..and the next foto is the two sister belle of E266! preetty girls but bad students in guitar..tried teaching them..then Flo keep telling me she forget wad she learn even tho i reminded her to practice so she can tell ppl wad i taught her!!!! and Kat..okay la..kat so much betta..can play song le..but i haven't even started teaching 1 lesson yet! bad student! cannot arrange for time with tutor..haiz..then go learn from some1 else..haha..see Manz? you like my star student le..haha..
Yepp..Cabaret..was fantastic! like at first i was like sickened by the explicit sexual contents that the cast blatently prances around in front of the audience..actually was my fault cos i never checked the contents and the rating and all..felt a bit paiseh cos Manz was only 18++..haha..Ooopz..actually should be old enough le la horr? haha.but i was still sickened..but then i realise that most of those 'ladies' on stage doing those lewd acts and motions were actually guys in cross dressing? so that made it almost comical! In fact i was shocked..cos i was like at 4th floor and suffering from a 'head in my view' problem and din realise that some of the 'ladies' were men! me to notice that.
Yepp, it was a heart warming love story all around, almost like love actually, and very heart warming when you find a old couple finding love again, and a cabaret star falling for a hard-up american novellist, but that was until the interval, then the story went down from there? like the German persecution of the Jews, and the war that ensued that destroyed both the romance between the old couple [poor guy was a german jew..or Jewish German..wadever] and the business at the Cabaret which destroyed the starlet who stayed behind instead of following her heart to be with the novelist. Sort of like a love story gone sour, but it kinda made me feel like if ever i be in a relationship again, i should do what i feel? like follow the heart and things should turn out alright..and this time at Cabaret it turned sour cos they didn't do that..haha..but maybe i'm just slow and never catch the gist of the whole act anyway..haha..
Oh! anyway, it's a myth that tickets for a play at the esplanade theatre cost a lot..haha..i know that the prices like start frm $128. but they went and put the expensive price first! so it goes downhill from there? it was like $128, $118, $98, $88, $78...$ get the idea..and basically if you get a cheap ticket, you just try to make sure you get a centre seat, doesn't matter if it's far back, and make sure you poke the dude in front of you if he's leaning forward cos then he'll block your view..otherwise it'll be fine..i dun see the point of getting the mid range tickets..maybe only the VIP seats cos it'll get qt interesting when some of the actors/actresses interact with the front row people! i tink some lucky dude got a kiss from Emma Yong [the main actress!] haha..i was!..haha..wished i was that dude for that 3 secs..haha..yepp..Lovely day..
-Endz- Fantastic day, great start, great finish..wad's the link? haha..
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