Yet Another Day to be Thankful for!

Dear friends,
Yeah! Today is the day i finally get my MP3 player! the seductively slim and light Creative Muvo Slim 1Gb! for only $140! i'm still in shock over the price..when i called in to the salesman for the stock before i went, i was like going..
'Err..Confirm again, you're selling for $140?'
'No..Raise price le..$199.'
'No la..still hundred forty' do realise that i woulda paid $199 gladly for it right? haha..luckily he was a honest man who stuck to the deal he offered me so it was still $140 when i went down and collected it.'s like a wonder machine..only complaint is that the 1Gb was only enough for 237 tracks[cos my mp3 files are 128kps each] and the 1Gb had enough for like 250 tracks actually but due to some technical thingamajig reason it could only read 237 and the rest of the 13 tracks were missing..haha..was almost shocked when i found that there were missing tracks..then was very confused cos i could see them IN the folder but cannot scroll to them on the MP3 itself..haha..but it's a bad case of me getting used to the machine and not the machine getting used to's so much better than listening to my Zen Micro halfway and hanging on one track..then rebuilding library, then hang again..then refuse to turn on again..then later revive just to hang again..aarghs..thank God and thank my mom for offering me this gift so that i may enjoy music once again! haha..
BTW i really dun understand why the Creative Muvo Slim is out of stock in so many places and then the lousy Zen Micro is almost everywhere even tho it has functional defects that cost Creative a bomb to replace for's stylish, slim, compact, comes with a nice leather carrier [synthetic leather of cos] and can hold up to 1Gb! like i say about my Motorola PEBL too, technology will go outdated, but style will not..this is a stylish MP3 player and i'm proud of owning it..maybe i'm secretly glad that it's difficult to find so not many ppl will own it too..hahahaha..evil...*grinz*
Yepps..then later the day i went down to MS to join our Cell Group to celebrate Christabelle's and Shuhui's birthday..only to find out that the choice of place had already discouraged Belle from coming to her b-dae celeb.kinda ironic tho..haha..but anyway, it was at a Jap restaurant and i regret to inform everyone here that i do not find it fit to feature on my blog..esp when i have so many pics of people i wanna feature instead! haha..
Yepps..had a great dinner, and everyone was shocked/stunned at my dinner when it came..recommend: Ebi Cheese Curry...Technically speaking, it's the normal non-spicy japanese curry whereby they put cheese in it so it has strands of sticky cheese pulling at each other when you stir it through, but the taste of the cheese isn't that apparent. AND the prawn is so saturated in Soda Powder that it may taste fresh and cruncy [and the prawns are rather big] but i have no idea if it's truly fresh or if the crunchy texture comes from the soda powder..haha.. juz in case ppl out there are food critics and say that i have no taste for good food..yepp..but to non-critics like me, it was good enough! haha..yepp..i can appreciate good food..just like i can appreciate good wine, but i do not live on them; i am perfectly fine i can tell you how a dish is really sucky and not well done, but i will still eat it anyway..heez..
yess..It was ShuHui's bday celebration night, the attendence rate is surprising high for the brothers.haha..not bad..yepps..we surrounded her with brotherly love and had a piece of choc cake for her with the can see Jaz and Yehui posing with her and her cake. Regrettably, i did not uncover the secret of my camera's manual mode before taking the photos, so the pictures you see are terribly out of focus and over/under exposed and using the wrong white-balance to take the photos..thanks to Jaz for pointing this out to me.haha.another day, another thing to learn..yess..and then the following 2 photo is of Weng/Wayne and Terence who sportingly became our photography models and we tested out the various functions and options that i never tried before! haha..then turned out to have some really cool photos of them cos they ran outta poses for us! funz!
Yeppz..that was the day..not a frightfully lotta things to tell about tho..hopefully tomorz will fare better! haha..til then!
-Endz- to some1 out open about your problems yeah? people wun know until you tell them stuff..can always find me if you nd some1 to listen to you..haha..God gave me 2 big ears and 1 small mouth to listen more and talk less..haha..God Bless!
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