Cell Group Cycling!

Dear all,
Haha..this entry is the fourth of the day! haha..yepp..anyway, on this day we went to Malaysia to cycle and have lunch! Totally new concept of an outing, cos we rented the bicycles from Singapore Changi Village [25 bikes], then transported them to the ferry terminal, then boarded the ferry and brought everyone over! Then we cycled 18 km to the restaurant for lunch..
Yepp..it's a totally activity kinda outing so there ain't too much musings to be made here..only thing worth of note is how everyone forgot to bring sunblock lotion, and rejected the sun tanning lotion because they din wanna tan..haha..i had to explain that if they dun tan they will burn! haha..anyway for those not in the know, SPF 4 [in the tanning oil] means that if you take x hours to get a sun burn, SPF 4 will delay that and you get a sun burn in 4x hours instead! so tanning oil is better than nothing! haha..Remember!
Manz, the sun there is terrible! haha..not at all the warm kinda sun, but the beating down kinda sun that has us sweating very much! haha..the trip there took a while, cos everyone was still getting used to cycling..but surprisingly the route was qt a good road, a military grade type X route which was very comfortable to cycle on. Only a short stretch of dirt/sand route which cut through some field of some sort..really enjoyable being out in the country/sea side instead of the usual urban environment.
Oh! My Xiao Mei was with us! haha..after several times of coaxing and inviting i finally see my xiao mei and my cell group together! haha..i tink it's a good first meeting for her and the cell group, so Christine had better follow-up! hha..cos i wun be around le.haha.yepp..My xiao Mei, Huiling..
Finally get to feature her on this blog! Haha..Anyway, the way i met Huiling was actually qt magical too..i first met her at my penpal [junlin]'s birthday party and Huiling was her best friend. so as her best friends she had to entertain me..then we had several common topics to talk about, mainly about literature topics cos we both took Literature humanities [both taking O levels that year]..then haha..young and stupid me had a crush on her that lasted 2 weeks where i always saw her everywhere i turned..haha..Anyway, i tot i was over it, then it had to happen, that she went to the same JC as i did, we met, but tot that we would be in different classes, then it turned out to be the same class! haha..
So hilarious..But anyway, to cut the long story short, nothing happened between the 2 of us, she is now my xiao mei and we have been good friends since that time..so God bless her and her big heart for keeping me as her Korr! haha..despite me not keeping in contact with her for so long le..hah..yepp! Tribute to Huilingz Xiao Mei!
yepp..anyway, the whole convoy went on towards the restaurant..It was fantastic! I crave no longer for seafood and crab and great food le! in fact, i ate like 2 and 3/4 bowl of rice, 2 fried buns and a lot of other stuff! haha..overeater! then i had trouble after wards with my gastric [not supposed to eat so much at a go] and felt like puking while i was on my bike..haha.and my stomach stretched! like very uncomfy when i stood upright..haha..
But on the route back, Christine was suffering from a slight tinge of heat injury..was cycling behind, but i din really notice until Huiling pointed out that Christine was not cycling normally..like she would suddenly veer to the centre of the road and back, and she looked worse..Here is where i really thank God for my army training that allowed me to diagnose what was wrong with her, cos people actually die of heat injury? like it can directly link to shortage of blood flow to the head and oxygen supply to the brain and heart failure? SAF had several cases of super fit people dying to heat injuries already..and this time thank God Huiling was keeping a close eye on her so i found out in time..
Yepp..and thank God for my water bag and the cool water i filled it up with, so i managed to get her to stop at a small pavillion, made her drink 250 ml of water and sprayed her wet with my waterbag on her head, neck and arm..haha..i din care if she got white spots or if she caught a flu..people dun die from that, but people die from heat injury so i'm justified..haha..yepp..then she turned on her MP3 phone and then we cycled on when she was okay, and rested when she needed it..
Oh Oh!! and i learnt how to cycle without my hands! haha..can even steer without touching the handles! haha..totally cool! i din know how to do it before this cycling trip! haha..basically you just gotta cycle at a fast enough speed whereby the handle will not veer too much, then you let go, and your legs gotta keep pumping speed to maintain at least that speed..then you gotta use the weight of your hands to steer and direct your path! totally cool man! i like cycled the last 5km without hands! Yeah!
-Endz - totally fun trip! Thanks go out to Jaz and Chris who planned and arranged the whole outing! We love the 2 of you!
Oh yeah, you are great at cycling without hands wor. amazing!!!
haha..thanx thanx..*beamz*..
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