The Sun has Broken Through

Gosh! that was fast. Dear all, i've learnt something about myself today..i'm definitely a worry-wart..for things that are close to heart, i am a worry if i dun worry for you...heehee..yepp..
Anyway i realise this morning is a morning of bad miscommunication. 1 with my fren, another with my fren Christine. haha..Guys guy..i tell you things here so that you can be more sensitive about me! like if i say if dun like some1 for wad reason, then you should be doing the background work and avoid placing me with that some1, not come up to me and ask me why!!! haha..sensitivity! i dun need people to offer advices when i'm not ready to take them, and when i'm ready, i will ask for them..haha..that's just me, and i ain;t gonna change for no one, so try to work with me alright? Really sorry for the miscommunication Christine, din mean to say that i din appreciate you.
Yepp..jus wanna thank God that it's only a case of over-frayed nerves and a disturbed mind..and really thankful that the ultimatum did not turn out to be what i feared would come to pass. God is trying to tell me to have more faith in people, and believe them to do what they need to do, and their intentions to be Good. and i only just heard him.
Now that this thing is more-or-less over, i've got a few more issues to tackle..being over-suspicious of people, being hung up on old impressions, and a over-raging emotional side of me that i thought i had long conquered. I dun usually see myself as an emotional person..normally i'm more the observer/thinker than the rush on the spur of the moment kinda guy..but kinda feel that i haven't tamed myself can PMS sometimes and piss people off and dun care wad i'm doing sometimes..manz..gotta change this somehow..people, if i PMS again and dun realise it, pls tell me? haha..then i will quarantine myself and let me calm down least i wun piss people off..haha..
Events for today..
-Cell Group Meeting[meeting Hanzhong and Sharon for once since last week! haha..they have been on holiday at HongKong..dunno got gifts for me?
-nothing else..haha..prolly gonna praise and worship God for a while later after lunch, den do up a card for a fren's b-dae..pretty boring this prolly is my entry for the day there..take care guys, God Bless!
-Endz- And God hasn't let me down yet! Praise God Always!
Haha...that's fast from you!:P Nah I get used to you le...hee...if you don't understand what I mean you can refer to my blog...i wrote that before yours so don't think in the wrong way again k? *scare of you le...hahaha... :P* Glad you are happy again...take care and cya ltr...God bless my fren!
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