Lake House! LAKE HOUSE!

Dear all,
Had a great time today without my lil sis Manz..haha..shall stop mentioning her so much..ahha..
Yepp..cos i spent time with my other lil sis! Huilingz! haha..yepp..but she came late so it's me and christine walking around city area looking for her guitar which she intend to buy. a quick crash course on playing the guitar. haha..i tink i taught so much more than i ever did in that session than with anyone..think Christine really picked it up well, better than Kat and Flo le..[granted that she only started today..haha..tink she really did well..keep it up ya?]
Yepp..then i chanced on a christian bookstore in which i bought a bible for myself..cos my old one was falling out of shape and look really pathetic le..and i haven't even finished it once! haha..then i oso bought a nice travel bible for my little sis that looked so much better than my old one, that i had to gratify myself and get me a nice one too! haha..ended up buying a NLT version that was encased in a metal case and it looks really cool! totally can picture myself standing in the MRT train and flipping/leafing through it in it is totally readable! haha..start to feel the hunger for God's words again..haha..yepp..really proud of this buy.
LAKE HOUSE!!! Wanted to post a nice picture from the movie here..will do it tomoroz if i remember..but saw that the review was like only can?! it's like classic love story that makes people cry! totally heart warming and really cool concept..and fantastic screen play between Keenu Reeves and Sandra Bullocks! great combi!
Dunnoe what else to say about this film..totally worth my 9.50 watching it! haha..every1 out it!! haha..and dun tink too much at the end of the movie cos i know there's like a lot of time-travel conundrums that can come out and then people will say got loophole in the movie plot..but the idea is to enjoy the story and the love! and how 2 people can try so much to be together..very sweet! why can't i experience something like that? haha..paisei..musing le.. i muz apologise to Katherine, who was the unfortunate neighbour of mine when i was watching the movie..think i was totally inconsiderate movie goer today..haha..munching on my Calibee chips, whispering to her about the things that was going on in the movie..haha..but i really enjoyed myself! Thanks really indulged me..really fun watching it with you!
It's really a great movie..wished my lil sis Manz watched it with us too..but can't really ask for much le..haha.If things are meant to happen they point fretting to much about it. there..tomoroz another comrade will leave for his studies..our numbers dwindle quickly and DSTA's seed is spreading across the let us go forth and change the world! Heez. gonna be my turn soon..
-Endz- Man, hope i get to have as good a experience writing to friends as Alex and Kate in Lakehouse..God? heez..
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