Something's missing le! haha..Manling..another one gone to studies le..countdown starts

Dear all
Think it's a while since i featured my lil sis on my blog le..haha..prolly the last time for a while since i'm not gonna see her for a while le..haha..and since she just left Singapore today so i tink i'm perfectly justified to feature one entry to her right? [hope there's no other jealous frens who wan me to feature too..haha..if so then comment la..i try to accede to requests..haha]
Anyway, today is a lot of mixed feelings thing cos i know that i woke up at 0545 to get to changi airport at 0700 to send Huimin off..then another thing is that i kinda knew that Manlings gonna act like she always does when we're with the DSTA bunch of dudes..haha..then i'll be one of the guys, she'll be one of the girls and dun talk much one..haha..dun worry manz, i understand..
Then i was so excited the day before cos i made a nice card for Manz, and a notebook that we both liked the cover of, but were both disapointed when we saw that it was checkered boxes inside! But when i was shopping ard artfriends for the card material, i saw the book! haha..really nice cover..then i made the bookmark with a cross attached to the end, with 2 magnetic clasps so that the cross would stick snugly to the metal wire so it doesn't hang ard and get caught in something else..really nice..dun usually do little things like that for people..then the 1st 2 pages i decorated with what little pictures i have of my lil sis and myself, and i wrote a page full of stuff to her..including the nice card so that's 2 pages of nice stuff i wrote for her! haha..[you betta appreciate it..haha..kidding..]
But then when we arrived, we realised that we hadta get cards for the 3 of them leaving, so like i bought 2 cards for CK and Wanjing, and i relented letting them use the book as a farewell card too..tot She might appreciate it cos the card may be misplaced but how can you misplace a notebook?! she'll be able to reflect and remember what great friends she has back here in Singapore! haha..yepp..but now kinda regret cos it's supposed to be MY gift to like everyone's got a hand in it..wonder if she stil remember it's something her Korr gave her..sigh..budden she'll be reading this right? haha..Gd Gd..haha..
Haha..budden i tink the objective's been met le..i guess not by my efforts la..haha..hopefully i had a small part to play in it, but i guess most of the job's done by Xiufie and CLara and her frens..sigh..Oh..anyway, the objective[or my objective] was to make her moved to chek arr..haha..anyway, i tink she really felt LOVED and that really is the point of seeing her off..or else it's just hi, bye, check in..wads the point in that?
Yepp..As usual, after she's gone me feel like half gone too..haha..even the coffee i had in the morning was not enuff to keep my spirits up..only the novelty of wearing a blazer in smart casual wear and Xiufie and Christine talking to me then my flagging spirits remained up and running for Pastor Kong's powerful sermon about the role of a husband in a marraige..haha..nothing much that i haven't heard already, but it's always joy to praise and worship the Lord, singing new songs that He has given our song writers, and new inspirations and revelations that He gave His servant Ps Kong to speak out to us.
But that ain't my focus for today.. total, i drank 3 cuppa coffees to keep my energy level up..thank God for Daphne talking to me much more than usual sundays and let me siphon off her 'solar energy' still remember? still very important to me horr..even tho i try to have other source of power le..haha..diversify energy source..
Back to my lil sis..wonder how's she doin now..tink she got super a lot of people to get back to that she promised, including me..if you reading this now, you take care of yourself, and dun really have to get back to me so fast ya? you promised Xiufie le, so you better msg her first, and then whoever you promised too..i understand if you take a few days to get back to me..korr always understands one..just dun wait till i misunderstand..hahah..then disaster! Hohohho..
ANYWAY..just feels like something's missing..and for now i daresay it's Manling that's missing..Ohwell..few days later when she starts to contact me then thing's will prolly get better..then it'll be something else missing..something is always missing..that's why life's worth many things to grab hold of and to treasure..if you really get everything in your life, then it'll be so boring and you'll just take everything for granted won't we? haha..kinda SM to think this way, but that's how people work..we only miss the water when the well runs dry..
Yupp..Manz..really wish you coulda been here for so many thing's that's going i'm gonna have another lesson with Katherine to teach her guitar [finally], and the marraige seminar thingey..really fun and informative and spiritual lesson to learn wad God has in mind for people's marraiges..and the, the pool is so fun today! almost won Brother Chris!! haha..then took so many photo at pool junction you woulda have so much fun here..budden again i hope that you wished i was there too! you're gonna see so many new stuff and fun happenings over there too..ahh..wish i was there too..haha..well, i will be there soon enough le..haha..going over soonn..stopover at Chicago farny..sigh..
Wonder if my next 2 weeks will be as crazy as Manz last 2 week when she had a crazy time catching up with old frens..budden again i'm not like her got SO many CLOOSE! your korr really not kidding when I say that i was too late in the 'best friends race' and that my good friends are really rare and few i guess to Katherine's question as to what i have left to do in Singapore..Without my Xiao Mei ard le i prolly only wanna go Yio Chu Kang to take photo of the satellite dishes in the movie to watch..ate enuff seafood for a long while le..[i dun live to eat anyway..] got the music i wan, got camera le, got MP3 le, got running shoes le, got Basketball shoes le..hmmm...really got little much i really wan..only to meet up with my other frens and have them write in my autograph book too! haha..too bad it's still with Deanna til tuesday..sorry to those who cannot get to write in it..pls just write in a construction paper B5 size and pass to me? i paste it on kay? haha.. guys, if you are reading this and haven't sen me for qt awhile le, pls comment or just msg me or someth.i try to figure out something! haha..but dun tink so cos like people who reading my blog are those MSN frens and cell group frens and Xiao Mei and lil sis there..yepp..but i really have missed you out, pls drop a msg and catch me! hah.. round off, to Manz, your korr misses you..To everybody else, i hope i will miss you..haha..but got ppl like Jian Hu say that life will be so hectic and adventurous that i prolly will be too caught up in it to feel the hurt and missing so much..then before we know it, it'll be summer already! then i can bug my parents to pop for flight back to Singapore! i can save more for my 'car fund'..haha..have fun go mad! haha..thank God for all the blessings He has given me, for a lil sis Manz and Xiao Mei Huiling who loves and takes care of Korr, for all the family member who has given me such a warm loving home, and my relatives who have surprised me with such a great blessing..Today is a great day of thanksgiving and praise the Lord for all He has already given me, and for the things that He is preparing to Bless me with. Amen!
-Endz- have fun go mad, lil sis Manz!
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