Cell Group 'Farewell' Dinner!

Dear all,
Whee! just had my 'farewell' dinner with my beloved cell group! haha..totally fantastic..but feel a bit odd and paiseh that i arrived so late..haa..couldn't have expected that..cos I had my last Bible Study with Hanzhong that evening, and we shared about the importance of discipleship, and as always, being a problem child..haha..i shot a lot of difficult questions to him..haha..but he was shocked! budden it was a great time when we talked about the bible, lifstyle, and our interpretation of the gospel.. exchanging of ideas..so we forgot about the time, and when i could actually go, i would actually reach earlier if i waited for them to close shop and hitch a ride wif them! haha..so guys, dun begrudge me my chance to spend time with them yah?
Yepp..felt kinda wierd cos i did not arrange this meeting, and i did not have to ask things like who else is not there, who else eating? haha..i was just there for the ride. heehee..then the table so big, so many ppl oso qt difficult to talk to people..then people like christine look like she got someth to say..haha..but she always look like she got something to say. hehe..
Yepp..the dinner was fantastic. Thanks guyz! although i've already binged so much on seafood..haha..but the crab was great..only i felt paiseh cos i ate so much! haha..*grinz*..then Dennis and Weng kena my crab sauce all flying around..haha..actually din have much chance to have a dinner with most of the cellgroup together so it was rather fun. but i guess several people wanted to talk to me 1 - 1..haha.dun worry k? guyz, i'll be back in 8 months..going there to study only..not living there for good..haha..
Yepp..was totally cooll..think you guys are out to make me cry..but i'm not such a people's person? haha..felt qt odd at times during the dinner cos i was the limelight..not used to the limelight..haha..always felt better when i was doing stuff for people or someth..not used to having people do such stuff for me. haha..but appreciate all of you guyz!
Then you guys did the meaningful thing: which was to have everyone say one good thing about me. WOW!!! haha..ego food max out le..haha..make my head so big; cannot fit in the bus! haha..but was really touched..cos normally i wouldn't think that people can get a good grasp of who i am..haha..prolly you guys hit about 60% correct le! haha..not bad not bad..hee..but i dun tink i'm that good/fantastic too..haha..yepp, so thanx thanx for all your kind words! haha..wished i had taken down notes tho..but yes, i will keep my fire burning..and Hanzhong will still get my emails if i forget or if i get stuck with anything in the bible! haha..but most of all, i really hope that i am now strong enough, that i know enough of who God is and how He works in order to interpret the scripture fairly well enough to improve my understanding.
Yepp..but tink it's so funny when i took a photo with Daph then they pushed me towards her..[hey hey..wad are you guys tinking?] naturally i avoided her, put my hands up so nothing gets anywhere unintended [so you guyz muz agree i'm not lecher horr..haha..noone said that..heez] yepp. but the outcome is so wrong! in the end i looked like i was some old lecher preying on a young lady! haha..so funny..heehee..but luck i saw the push in the corner of my eye..so i managed to avoid..otherwise worse..haha..aiya..you guyz should push the girl wad..haha..then you get the effect you wan..totally wrong man..haha..
You guyz are really gonna be brought over there with me in my heart..this is truly like my family where i grew up, where i am loved, and where i had fun, where i came to know God, my creator, my provider, my lover, my all. really thank God for all of you, and thanks so much for the photo that you people made for me and framed up for me. yess..we'll all keep in contact ya? haha..then we'll have another farewell next year when i leave again..haha..
Yepp..love you all, God Bless!
-Endz- had a great time with you guys! God be the centre of this family always!
It is a pity, that now I can not express - I am late for a meeting. I will be released - I will necessarily express the opinion on this question.
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