Significance of the issues that came up in my mind is the issue of significance of events, which i believe is the cause of the whole fiasco that was the c box topic..ha..but once again, i want to stress that i am not miffed, angry, or disturbed by the whole issue..i just feel that it should be directed to my mailbox so i can address it more properly than the c box cos it cuts off into really small paragraphs..ha..So Yunling, if you are still reading this, send me a mail, and we can have an enlightening convo on email about the issues. I would love to learn from you as much as you will be willing to share, and hopefully you can get a view of what i see as well..that sounds good? ha..and i promise if the discussion is fruitful i WILL publish a post here and maybe change my profile if need be so that no one would be mistaken about what i blog in here..
For starters, i would like to inform everyone out there, that all things come from God. He is the creator of everything and nothing is exclusive of that.. SO even if you had the worst day of your life, you can't go ard saying that Satan was responsible for that..cos that is essentially saying that Satan managed to do someth against God's will and supervision [which is WRONG!]
Take Job for an example. God specifically gave Satan the 'go ahead' to do all the terrible stuff to Job. but the key issue is that Satan had to get permission from God to do that! he is powerless by himself! that spells a major victory on our side manz..and in Luke 22:31-32, Jesus said to Peter
"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat. But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers"
Here, Jesus Himself warned Peter that Satan had been granted the permission to test Peter and the rest of the disciples! So if you guys think that Peter's denial of Jesus 3 times is just because he was a weak-willed believer, you better think again, cos i think a large majority of us would do worse than denying Him if Satan had the free hand with us. On top of that, the Gospel downplayed the denial of the other disciples and believers because Peter was taken to be a shining example of them all; if Peter had denied Jesus, so had the others. But the point i want to make is that Satan had to have permission to do his evil job..
So all things come from God, even the really tough what do we do about it?
In Luke, after Jesus warned Peter and the disciples about the upcoming testing of their faith in Him, Jesus went back and prayed for them; but he did not pray for their strength and endurance against Satan, Jesus prayed that his faith should not fail, which is the key to surviving and doing well in spite of adversity.
All in all, we will still need to understand why God allows these things to happen. Obviously He does not do it out of perverse pleasure of seeing us struggle, so if you think back on who God really is, and you read back the Old testaments for patterns, you will realize that God has a tendency to test those who profess faith in Him! It is all a test! so how you do in it, really depends on how you rely on God, and even if you fail, you will have a chance to redeem! [read the end of Luke, where the 3 denial of Peter was returned with 3 proclaimations of love] and the best part is, whether you pass or fail, you will still have someth to learn from it, for our God is a God of learning and progression!
That being said, the ways God tests us differs from person to person; a test may seem impossible to some1, but may be ridiculously simple to another. So it's all a case of SIGNIFICANCE to that person. So many of the trials that we all go through, have a personal significance to that person such that if he would find it difficult to tell another person and expect that person to relate to him.
Which is exactly the case about my here is the major DISCLAIMER NOTE! ha..all/most of the things that i blog about here has personal significance! In no way i have declared that my personal life and Godly behavior should be separate; they are 1 and the same, but the testimonies and the 'downs' i share here has personal significance because that is the primary purpose of it. I do admit that i should once in a while consider the audience i am addressing here too, but unless they shout in my c-box, i have no idea who is reading my blog except my friends or people who understand me.
And the point is, when i glorify God with my own testimony, or i write a blog that shows my distress and disturbance or disappointment with God[or what He has caused to happen in my life], it has personal significance and if you dun understand that, you should keep it as that..LIFE GOES ON! and after that event, life is good once more as i slide back into God's grace. there..
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