posting some pics..these are memories from MAF and beyond
Just in case my viewership will fall cos i've been like words diahorrea so far, i'll entertain you guys with some pics

Oh wells, believe it or not, that is the bell tower in North Campus..not awfully meaningful to me, but it's there..ha..and i have my camera...ha..okay..i suppose it's NOT very entertaining..i try..

And here we have the 3 girls![left to right: Xiaoyan, Jean and Lora] ha..and i'm not inside..[cos i'm taking the photo..duh..] but still, i've been part of the gang, and still haven't taken a photo with them..wierd right? ha..maybe i should try that one day..but for now, here them working! [and me disturbing] yea..Poor Jean and Lora stood in the cold at the table giving out the door gifts and prizes for the participants for the MAF event..and had to wait there until all the teams finished their 'amazing MAF race'..ha..yea..was fun..but they were all complaining of cold hands afterwards..

And here i am priviledged to have one of the beauties on campus [freshmen too!..ahem..] of the rare photos i actually take WITH any girl..ha..yea man..lucky for this..or else i woulda have nothing to show for my life ppl woulda thought i became a monk or someth awful like that..ha..Oh..i forgot..this is Annie..kinda knew her much later than the rest, cos she had her parents with her and din hang out with us at that time [tsk tsk] but when she joined us she hadn't had a chance to walk around i walked her around campus..haha..poor annie had a stinko me [smelly from playing some sports i cannot remember what]..ha..walked her around central, pointed out main attractions [or non-attractions], brought her to the flag shop borders stall where she was amazingly engrossed in the japanese comics there [and borders allow you to read there!] and brought her to a cheap 2nd hand book store too..and got her started reading romance novels [got her 'message in a bottle' by Nicholas Sparks] and left her at coffee bean/or amos [really can't remember] to enjoy her book while i headed back to change and wash-up for the dinner later [not with her alone mind you..ha..with loads of ppl] that was my 'date' in sad..not even real one..haha..*grinz* i included the element of pictures with short stories of what happened then [kinda backdated..paisei] enjoy, hope to do so some time again..hopefully i can capture some pictures of nice snow falls? ha..wait and see..
-Endz- thank God for the miracle of image capturing technology! hah..
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