
Dear all,
I know it's been so long since..but i had to stop..or else i woulda bored you all to tears with only words..haha..anyway, since this is back dated, let me indulge myself in re-describing what i remember of my first day in Michigan..
hAHA..And i realise i have mentioned that before..haha..but i juz could not resist being 'tourist' and taking photos on the way..haha..then wenjie was bringing me around the place cos he came here a few days earlier..then i tried to take a photo of myself and the tower [can't remember who it's named after] and managed to catch Wenjie unwittingly in the background..heehee..yepp..tourist indeed..
The next shot was taken when we went to Meijers, which is a very very large super market that boast of the best prices for almost everything..haha..yess..super cheap compared to everywhere else..haa..which means only here the stuff are reasonable priced..except for some things like the photo pictures are ex..which i bought..sigh.and i bought my comforter [blanket] and bed sheets and necessities [which included 2 large pillows, 1 main pillow, and a fan..ha..haven't been back since..ha..anyway, back to the shot, it's taken at the super large carpark that is outside the super large super market and i just happened to see this beautiful sunset and i tried to capture it..
Basically you can see my lousy photog. skills, and the nice sunset glow, the fact that street lights everywhere in the world destroy the picture, and a candid shot of a dear friend of the clique of girls i happen to be in this is Xiao Yan talking to some1 i cannot immediately imagine..ha...yepp..that was the first day i met Xiao Yan and Lora..haha..didn't even talk much..i just knew that she stayed in my hall, and Lora stayed near our hall..then we decided to share cab back..haha..after the shopping actually they were trying to catch bus back..budden i bought too many stuff le..and i cannot imagine them fitting in the bus with their stuffs i convinced them to take the that's the beginning of this great friendship/fellowship/ this is xiao yan who commented on my blog one week ago..[ long since i updated? paisei..]
yepp..the third photo is something i'm proud of..haha..not that i made it..but STARBUCKS COFFEE!!!! haha..and you know the sizes of the coffee in singapore goes up to Grande, here they go up to Venti! galore for me! and it's cheaper than in Singapore! haha..value for money i mean..haha..yepp..and this was a venti vanilla latte i bought from the first starbucks store i found here..hee..and i drank it within an hour..haha..RAAWWRRSS..GGREEEEAAATT..In case i haven't already mentioned in my blog, i've become some sort of a coffee addict here i go through the day with very low energy level if i dun have my morning coffee..haha..and last night i drank decaf at night and i really nearly addicted me..
The next shot is of the law quad sad it ain't my's very beautiful!!! I promise the next time i blog again i will feature the law library..which is very HARRY POTTER! which is very cool..haha..they even have the garden where Harry potter fought with the tree with the dangling limbs..haha..yepp..very very nice..funny..esp when Christine was asking me about the housings here whether they look like harry potter buildings or not..well, the answer is that most of the buildings here are newer looking, some modern buildings, but some retain their history and this one..haha..will show more next time..
and the last pic is of my table..haha..wanted to show my bed, but next time la..can only have 5 pictures per entry..hee..anyway, this is my table, E240 can see your picture there on my table? haha..tink about you guys sometimes man..and daph's poster..and can even see the cookie jar of cookies that Christine made for me [the cookie jar that had me stopped at the customs twice..but the cookies are great..haha..i tink you improved a lot since the last time you made these stuffs..hah..very good..hee..i'm still keeping one in my jar so i remember what was a 'sacred cookie' lidat..ho ho..
Yepp..that's it for the photo updates so far..hopefully i will be able to get candid shots of the girls i hang around so you ppl can drool and envy me..haha..kidding la..actually i jealous lei..i hang around them so much i never got a nice photo with them, but some other guys already had a photo with the whole bunch of them that i have my laptop i will strive to become more watch out! world!
-Endz- Haha..kinda pointless entry but hope you guys enjoy the update!
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