Accepting Grace
I started this day really well, woke up on time, had my usual Nora Roberts book [hidden riches] and was enjoying a sumptious breakfast at Markley cafeteria alone [chocolate pancakes, potato bits, scrambled eggs, orange juice..yumm..]
And i met my friend Nick who's is also with me in the New Life Church small group that gathers on thursdays. Now, last thursday we received a 'challenge' or 'homework', to give a complete stranger 1USD. The catch was that the person had to be a complete stranger, and we were supposed to do that, and then remember/journal down his/her reaction, and then give a report on it on thursday.. what was that about? hah..i had no idea..but when the two of us sat down together, i brought up the topic and we were going "are yoOU gonna do it now?" ..then we came to a conclusion that now's as good a time as any, and if we din do it, we'd end up not doing it and tomorrow's thursday. So we plucked up our feathers and spotted our targets..ha..
Anyway, my target was a nice pretty blonde who just sat down with breakfast alone. [my focus was on the point that she was having breakfast alone, and that she JUST came for breakfast..not that she was a pretty blonde] and i went up to her, said hi, good morning..introduced myself, and went straight to the point..i left a dollar bill on her textbook and said, "i would like you to have this."
Her immediate reaction was "why?" and gave me a persplexed look.
"I just want you to have it" i replied, remembering what Kevin [the small group leader] told us.
She went like a very tough deliberation that lasted 10 seconds, wondering if i had ulterior motives, then she concluded that i couldn't have any, and said a simple "thank you."
And i seriously cannot remember what i said then, but i remembered going back to my table, feeling awesome and cool and everything..ha..and i din nontice if she was staring at me after that cos my back was to her, but Nick's guy was staring his way for a was great, but i still did not understand the whole point to it, except maybe to start some kinda blessing thing going around [what goes round comes around..]
It isn't until a short while ago that i got my answer..I saw a pink slip in my mailbox, meaning to say i had a big package to pick-up at the front desk. I checked it, half hoping that it was my mom, cos i really need my contact lenses right now, but was from Christine..and for what reason i had no idea, cos i had just received a mail package from her, and i wondered why she had to send mail in such quick succession.

Found out in my room that it was my 21st birthday package, complete with 21 various stuff to occupy my time with, keep me partially warm, and accessorise myself..not gonna tell you wad exactly was in there, but that pretty much summarised it.
The main point is that while i was rifling through the stuff, the thoughts that were going through my head was that why had she gone to the expense to do all these stuff? [why all romance serials? ok..ok..i get it..i love romance serials of you to remember that] but the point is i was quickly and negatively 'rejecting' the wondering what wierd thing was going through her mind, and what she was thinking, what kind of reaction she was trying to get me to give..then i went to the toilet..
I tell you, God always talks to me in the toilet. ha..anyway, it dawned upon me that it's all part of the bigger lesson that God wanted me to learn. "To accept Grace"
Just like i was wondering this morning when i prepared to give that 1USD. How would the person take it? would it be a 'what the hell are you trying to say? that i'm hard up for a dollar?' or some other kind of nasty rejection that would humiliate me. and the truth is that there is some kinda rejection displayed on her face when i gave that dollar bill..things went through her mind about what i was trying to do, what other motives i could possibly have, when all i had was to give her the dollar.
Similarly, here dear Christine was just trying her best to give me a good 21st birthday present and here i am wondering the same things, rejecting her gift with bad thoughts and resentments. [i confess it all..guilty as charged].
How many times have God given us grace in so many ways, and all we did was to reject it, cos we deemed ourselves undeserving of it? I tell you, if some1 on the streets was giving 1million dollars to strangers, most people would not take it cos they would wonder if there was a catch to it, or that it was too good to be true. But sometimes it isn't; God, in his infinite grace, has offered us a gift that is so precious that nothing in the world can equal it; His fellowship and love. And several fringe blessings that comes along the way. And He gives it to us freely; not by our deeds or worth, but by His grace. Isn't that what we learnt when we first received our salvation?
And i tell you, dear readers, that God is ready/willing to bless you today with whatever that you need. All you have to do it to thank Him for it, have faith and receive that gift! Learn to accept grace, learn to have faith in Him who always loves you and means well, and believe in His strength. Accepting grace is a difficult thing to do, in this world where everything is valued by worth and effort; people cannot believe in free lunches. But we must all learn that it is always more blessed to give than to receive, but in receiving you are allowing the giver to give! if you reject every attempt at blessing you, you are in fact denying that generous soul from reaping his reward!! so i hope that everyone reading this can start now to develop an attitude of accepting grace when it is offered, and say 'thank you' to it.
-Endz- sermon 1 on accepting grace..haha..lousy sermon with no bible reference..sorrie's really off the hook i came up with this..hee..hope you enjoy this entry..
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